Class Tuning Incoming – November 14

No, it means they could be 20% worse than the next worst DPS option, and people would still seek them out for bleeding edge content.


That’s what it has to become. They’re not making more support specs.

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  1. Totally agree 100%. There is a strong bias to keep rogue way too overpowered in pvp (Has been since the beginning of time) so while rogue is the OP, i imagine the rogue hotfix notes section will remain relatively blank so they can dodge nerfing them. In Arena, Sub + Outlaw have some of the best burst, the very best cc, and some of the best defense in the game. Can’t have all 3, classic wow rogues defense was weak to balance this.

  2. No comment really, my expertise is in PvP. Elemental Shaman is probably the most overpowered wizard in arena and Enhancement still strong too.

  3. Shadow Priest is in a tough spot for the devs. Shadow Priest in a lot of ways has utility like an Aug, but is EXTREMELY durable vs spell casters in arena. MD nerf was a good start, but this spec needs a rework.

  4. Not a fan of adding more healing or defense to the game. Game doesnt need to be any slower paced in arena.

  5. Resto Shaman bad in pvp because rogue/dh/warrior/dk meta, but too many strong tools vs wizards. Grounding totem needs to NOT be 3 second cloak of shadows for your team. NEEDS to go back to just 1 spell / 1 global’s worth of grounding.

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Personally i think it makes no sense to have a wizard class tank. Especially one focused with hyper mobility that has wings. Would need to be a drac’thyr like the big buff valdrakken guards, that would make sense.

Augmentation should stay a support spec imo, but they cant figure this out, so Aug going full DPS seems inevitable. Nerfing all of our damage buffs to our team is the specs identity, no personal damage buffs to compensate either. I think we all can see where this road goes…

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Thank you SO much. I sincerely hope this is enough to make speccing resto cat and putting the effort and globals into shifting for cat damage feel rewarding again.

Call me crazy, but it seems you have 2 options from this statement. Take away the augmentation and focus them into their own DPS class, or reduce THEIR damage and focus them in the augmentation / support class.

Looks like its just gonna get slow walked into a dps class, was fun while it lasted.


They literally just did the tuning they want for rogues. Rogues actually feel good for the first time since the expac started.

i highly doubt that.

1000% this, pun intended, but he hit the Bullseye here.


This warlock destruction buffs doesn’t change nothing. Still a lazy bottom tier dps design. 5% buff just confirm that you don’t have a clue what is wrong with the spec.

Good God, do you guys even work?


Whats next, see if they can kill warlock for good by taking away their summon and health stones? Been playing since vanilla. Was so happy to see a support back in, so incredibly tired of mashing damage buttons on every role.

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No Shadow buff and basically a buff solely to Demonology (though still warranted) when it was already 8-13% better than Affliction and Destruction? The buff to Destro was like 2% and it was already up to 13% behind Demo.

I’m so confused.


Unholy DK is slowly becoming the fire mage of season 3.

These competitive teams are no doubt going to be taking one for their bonkers damage with uncapped AoE.

So, frost dk is still neglected. I don’t think blizzard even remembers frost exist.


Destro really is a bit of a mess. They have such a bizarre damage profile

1-2 targets: pretty good
2-6 targets: can barely beat the tank
Extremely large pulls: pretty dang good

Problem is the majority of M+ pulls are 2-6 where the Destro lock just cannot keep up with others.

And in lower keys it’s honestly painful. Pretty well no reward at all. Oh and they get screwed over bad in movement heavy scenarios.

Atleast Demo is lookin good.


More unholy buffs and frost hasn’t been touched… that 4 piece must be good or they’re just ignoring frost dks as usual. Its not like we do really bad damage, but unholy was on top so it seems weird to see unholy buffs but not frost ones.

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Please help Warriors. Fury single target damage is in the dumps.


Aug nerfs, love to see it!


Buffing ret paladins?!?

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I almost never post. In fact, this might be my first ever. I’m a resto druid main. And I would rather see all the resto druid changes reverted, buffs though they may be, then be forced into a playstyle I don’t enjoy because the disparity between boomkin damage as a Resto and Catweaving as a resto is about 30k dps. That is a REDICULOUS disparity within a single spec. Catweaving takes a few more talents than Boomkin. Ok, 5% stronger. Catweaving has an inherent danger from going into melee. Ok, another 5% stronger. But 100% Stronger? I thought blizzard was learning how to balance. How exactly is this sort of disparity justified?

Again, TLDR; revert the resto changes, and buff healing instead. Or atleast tune catweaving to be within a REASONABLE dps difference from Boomkin for resto.