Class Tuning Incoming – May 9

To everyone wondering.

Holy Paladin got nerfed because they had the highest healing in raid this week.

Usually HPally has the lowest raid healing(but makes up for it in DMG reduction just like disc)

I think they went about this the wrong way. Holy Paladin is honestly not that good in M+


Can we unnerf hpal’s -35% mana regen please, we’re not in shadowlands season 1 anymore


While other classes/specs like Retrys do insane damage in AOE and ST you are still nerfing feral; at this point I wonder if you just want to delete feral druids :frowning:


May 8th … still needs fixing this is really impacting pve and pvp

Why yes, since most of the spells are given away anyways to evokers ,you don’t need us mages .

As for holy paladins ,you guys just hate them ,come out and say so.

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Well ya… remember when in doubt as to why a run is going wrong: Blame the healer!

One of my shaman was recently kicked from a time walking halls of lightening… and I was actually grateful. Three wipes, multiple deaths outside of those and more. The tank asked the boom chicken who was pulling additional mobs to stop, their response: kick the healer lol!

I immediately got into another group who were amazing though so it’s all good, other than sky high repairs lol.



thats an awful lot of not chaos strike…

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I hate when I see titles of threads, for a minute I thought I read ‘Class Incoming May 9’ and I was like yay a new class

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We will still be bottom tierv for raid, 1 will be brought for chaos brand and that’s it, and I’m the 1 for my raid team, i really thought about ret but at least my spots there, no matter how bad our dps is! I really wish another class would get something like chaos brand, then they would have to address the DH issues because they wouldn’t even exist in the raiding environment this tier lol

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To be honest with how stupid rediculious ret AOE and burst is, the Nerf to feral with ret untouched does feel like an attack and crap on to feral as a whole. Leaving one op and nerfing another that’s struggling already shows it’s intended to never actually “balance” but make metas on purpose.

The only other option is we have incompetent idiots for class balancing…I mean sure many great talent has left for better jobs that treat their employees better but this seems lacking in sense of it isn’t on purpose.

  • Feral
    • Rampant Ferocity now deals 30% of damage dealt by Ferocious Bite to nearby enemies (was 35%).
    • Tear Open Wounds now deals 50% of Rip damage it consumes (was 60%).

From a 5 target dummy test, this is about a 10.6% AOE damage nerf, if there are more targets, this ratio will go even higher.
I had a friend doing the test with me, who happens to be a Destro Warlock, had 98% of my AOE damage, and 120% of my single target, that’s OP.

Totally agreed, this nerf comes from nowhere and it makes no sense.

Womp, womp. Subtlety finally gets the nerf that they actually needed.

Noting that these two typos were typos, and will not be applied to the game:


  • Restoration
    • All healing and damage increased by 2%.


  • Holy
    • All healing and damage decreased by 3%.

the ol’ typo excuse hehe.

works every time.



They would have removed the 2% healing instead of the damage… we need extra damage not healing

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Holy paladins were doing too much healing, it won’t impact you at all.


I am so glad I don’t pay you people in actual money anymore.

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