Class Tuning Incoming – May 9

Because M+

On M+, yeah not really that much even though we are not doing exceptionally well exactly on that content.

This nerf + the AC neef on raid, yes. It is impactful (I believe it was estimated to be around 7-9% of healing?) Putting h pally numbers on the bottom again in theory, but oh well.

This will probably cause people to stack mastery maybe for the raid and try to compensate for the loss

@Kasivax, will be seeing a fix for this for tomorrow’s patch?

have to love this reply from Bliz Support:

“With our ticket queues being extremely busy, and in the interest of saving you some time, we are sending you this automated reply with some resources that should help resolve the issue. If the issue persists, please get back to us.”

It’s incredible how per the forums more than half the specs in the game are all “dead last”

Blizzard, I ask again - What The Actual Hell?

Just so we’re clear anyone asking or surprised by this does not participate at a high enough level where these changes will be felt. They were well and truly overperforming.

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Please step aside.

The other specs needed buffs* fixed

I do remember shamans complaining they never got the love, yet,they turn out to be the top heal and damage in the game regardless of what level of difficulty.

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Do you even look at performance for anything other than high-end mythic raid? Hpal has been struggling so hard in M+. This has to be a joke.

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Thank you.

So WW monk spent the last 5 months, an entire raid, as dead last in single target dps. And we are only dropping more in single target. But nothing?

Seriously WW monk is 40% less single target dps than the top dps spec right now. A perfectly played WW monk in single target will be beaten in dps by badly played lock, ele shaman, or hunter.

WW monk is so bad right now we are only 12% dps above most tanks in this game in single target dps… Think about that if your tank plays perfect and ww monk gets a series of bad rng mechanics the TANK will out dps the perfectly playing WW monk.

Again I bring the facts with data. I’ve voted with my wallet at this point.


Very much agreed,

Though just to note damage to bosses for this raid in particular is a really skewed way to look at single target, it’s a bit better to look at Terros currently as it’s the “pure ST” option. Though that is also thrown off just because by now WWs have trinkets and short / near perfect kill times to have higher looking dps (some Terros kills have 5-6 grieftorch casts).

The WW community seems to just be so beaten now, we’ve been through this same sort of “good for the first patch then outscaled” so many times in a row that we’re all just tired of it. The fact it’s been consistently the same issues without being addressed or preemptively fixed, any devs working on class balance/tuning should genuinely feel ashamed unless the actual intent is to keep WW down. (ie going into a patch with larger buffs to offset the scaling issues we experience EVERY PATCH since pre bfa)

You would think that as one of the harder to play specs, you’d be rewarded with slightly higher damage. Don’t know if that’s been the case since legion aka the only time that WW actually “shined” since it was added to the game.


Crusading Strikes is not working as intended. Normally, with the talent, auto attacks turn into Crusader Strike. Currently, whenever any action is taken, it will reset the swing timer. Therefore, Crusader Strikes will never proc/hit, unless you are sitting there doing absolutely nothing but auto attacking.

It is a massive MASSIVE damage loss to take this talent now, in it’s bugged state. Aka, a “trap” talent. Please fix.

Design class around fistweaving.

Refuse to ever let fistweaving be viable.

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Seems a little heavy-handed on Feral. Sure, we shine on extremely large pulls, but I’d wager that most folks aren’t pulling that big in places where it really matters. In the typical 3-5 mob pulls, we’re still middle of the pack even without those nerfs.

You’d be out whatever you wagered.

so blues just… stop communicating…
btw blues who are ment to be adults…
think? its not hard… think, and communicate, you will then get a decent answer from people IF you listen… not hard blues…

For the love of all that is holy and unholy, I am losing to arms warriors 13 ilvls under me with similar parse percentages. Please, not this single-target horror of WW monk for another 5 months.

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