Class Tuning Incoming – May 9

Unwarranted nerfs to Feral and still no buffs for bears.
Same old stuff I guess.

Them pulling the plug on Ursoc in the SL cinematic must have been a sign that they were going to curb stomp bears for another xpac.
Bear is the only tank I have had die to pulling multiple elites solo in the Caldera area. That lack of mitigation is glaring compared to other tanks. For clarification it was 5 elites during some event, my bear is 415 and after cycling defensives I just ran out of juice. Meanwhile my warrior just slapped its way through the crowd and ignored most of the damage coming in.

We’re really not getting anywhere. Our generators don’t need buffs, our spenders do. You’re on the right track asking for CS buffs.
IP would be so much better, as has been pointed out before, if it counted primary target and not single target. Our own talents work against us with the current incarnation of IP – and they know this. It’s just trolling that they buff its damage and not fix all its problems.

Don’t know where you got the idea that BM was played because people enjoy the spec, MM is historically the most popular Hunter spec. BM gets play because it’s completely foolproof while being effective damage.

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Man i love these upcoming tuning threads, it’s full of people complaining about how their class spec is dead last, and need major buffs!(which is every class apparently)

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It’s ranged with none of the downsides. That’s why it’s played for the most part. It’s one of the most boring DPS specs but it’s easy.

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I hate to break it to BM enjoyers but their spec shouldn’t be one of the strongest specs because then there’s no point to playing other ranged specs (especially MM) outside of the utility they bring, it shouldn’t be weak but whenever it’s been the strongest it has tended to completely dominate the respective tier because there’s just no point in playing any other ranged spec or Survival for damage.

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All Tanks (besides pallys) need a buff with damage mitigation, damage, and healing.

Warrior needs a buff to ignore pain to help out with mitigation, and move vic rush to a 10sec cd affected by haste, this will more then likely put them in line with a prot pally.

Monk needs more charges, or a way to generate more stacks of purifying brew more frequently, with more reliable self healing methods.

DK’s need a bit more sustainability outside of death strike, and a massive damage increase.

Vengful DH need more passive mitigation to where they wont get 1 shot if they dont have 5 souls to spend the moment they move into a new pack for healing.

Bear tanks, LOL they need the FULL Rework. They take tooo much damage, Not enough self healing, not enough mitigation, not enough DPS. and i feel like Buffing mastry by 60% would fix that issue, along with a few baseline abilities being reworked and taking off the GCD. they dont need to be god tier, they just need to be playable, and worth playing.

unholy dk: needs less buttons, and more focus on turning those buttons into passives

BM hunter: needs a damage buff, its slightly better for aoe, but bottom for single target compared to MM.

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Have you played Brew recently?

They actually have great self healing. They’re very strong. They just play in a different way than in the past which may take some adjustments. It’s no longer all about Stagger.

Some of these changes seem like knee jerk reactions. A 3% reduction on Ret doesn’t solve how strong their kit was made with the rework. Then all these blanket PvP changes. Is the goal to destroy Mistweaver so they can slowly rebuild it?

Blizz sure enjoys making us bounce between classes to increase playtime.

What kinda buffs r these an Doesn’t matter how much damage it increases eye beam by when it half the time it doesn’t work.

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I’ve been a DH main since i came back beginning of BFA. If you’re wanting to raid or do mythic plus, just know that out of all the patches since then, it’s mainly heartache, the mobility of the class honestly hurts it, our ST hasn’t been good at all since they got rid of corruptions but that borrowed power made everyone’s ST good. And AOE might be good, but it has already peaked, and we will only go down the rest of this expac. But if you are only doing world content and not pushing high end, i don’t think you’ll care either way because it doesn’t matter. So good luck

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Also STILL didn’t even address the core issues with DH but should i be surprised? Minor buffs to insignificant abilities that do very little of our dmg isn’t helping anything at all, except maybe looks like you did something on paper but had no real effect on the class or its issues but sadly this seems to be the Blizzard way when it comes to Demon Hunter

change back Thrash and swipe animations to how they were before

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You are going to run double 2 piece, be lower middle of the pack single target and bottom tier aoe.

It will be fun.

Hate to break it to you, this is wow. No spec is very difficult to play.

Hunters are complaining about BM because it has glaring holes in it’s rotation and kit. And the 4 piece is not very good, so we will be wearing 2/2. Blizzard nerfed the surv s1 set because they didn’t want people wearing old gear, but here we are.

MM is currently an rng casino and more often than not goes no pet.

Surv is now back to middle of the pack damage without bringing anything to justify it in limited melee spots.

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As a Rogue, I have no sympathy for any of you.


Still absolutely nothing for Guardian druids. This is freaking insane. What the hell are you guys doing?

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This, maybe?

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Be careful what you ask for, they nerfed Guardian Druid it just isn’t in the notes.

yes. they do a bit more stagger dropping abilities, or physical damage mitigation, along with improved aoe damage.

What? No warlock nerf?

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