Class Tuning Incoming – May 9

theres not enough ppl playing healers…NERF THEM MORE!!!


That seems to be ok with some people.

Also, some seem to think that there’s more than enough healers to go around, in fact.


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Aintnoway you just nerfed the worst healing output healer in the game. Surely you meant to type “Increased” not “Decreased” right?

Hpal needs massive buffs, not nerfs.

Buff DPS, buff healing output, lower mana costs. Hpal is the only healer going into 10.1 that actually has to care about mana at all. Even DISC priests are gonna have borderline infinite mana.


I’m really baffled by the holy pally nerfs.

What happened lol.

And yeah, please help blood dk. :>


Love the last minute changes

Where’s the blood DK damage buff’s?


Not… really? as far as I corcern we were still not even close to shamans/druids so I dont understand this change.
Also, how in earth is our damage being nerfed? What about our mana consumption? And healing output?

Our spec desperately needs a rework at this point and have not been tuned enough recently apart from the AC changes and LH/Holy Prism


No changes to hunter? Sad times.

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You say this, yet Frost Mage in single target it’s optimal dps to ignore Fingers of Frost procs. This is made even stronger in 10.1 with tier and recent numbers tuning. This has been raised for months and is still not addressed. Is your goal for how Frost Mage should play to ignore the main proc spender of the spec?

Outlaw Rogues whistling past the graveyard

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I don’t often complain about nerfs, so please someone at Blizzard listen when I say the hpal blanket nerf really comes off as EXTREMELY unthoughtful. Nerfing our damage across the board really widens the gap between Hpals and the other m+ healers. Our damage rotation is easily the toughest of all the healers, please let it feel good when it’s executed properly.

Please replace the absolutely dead talents, please add a ST dps spender, and please treat Hpal with more love.


And … when will we get the fix for Crusading Strikes ?
Apparently the bug exists since the PTR.


It’s clear by now that they have no idea what they want to do with WW. It’s a dead spec for now.


It’s Blizzard being stupid.

Once this patch goes live without making actual sense for some things, people will kvetch enough that they will go and try to do some tuning.

“Hurrdurr, sorry guys, hpally buffs, %6 across the board, kk? <3”



We’re getting there, would love to see more Chaos Strike damage though. Also that IP buff, why? Just curious? might as well have left it alone.

If Demon’s Bite gets buffed so does Demon Blades, and yes believe it or not we actually do use Demon Blades, you just dont hit a button.

Again as I said like we’ll take a 5% buff but why on IP?

Like Im all for Chaos Strike/Annihilation buffs, it needs 10% more to be honest. The 2pc… I mean sure okay well take it too, but how about just change the 2pc to benefit Eye Beam more prior to the damage buff from the 4pc, like give us a 2pc that reduces our CD more with CoH or a 2pc that amplifies CoH

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Don’t worry, Mr Anderson. They have noticed how X spell was benefiting from Y too much.

Might as well give portals, arcane intellect and conjure refreshment to warlocks and just delete the class. The game would be better off without mages.


Why is there no change in ele shaman?
In the WCL statistics, it is below the balance drud and similar to havoc, but the other two are buff.

I sure hope sims are wrong because leaving the most popular spec in the game (BM hunter) at dead last in ST (and that’s with an ST build that sacrifices all ability to AOE) is a bold move to say the least. Someone has to be bottom, I get that, but the range is pretty massive at the moment, and if you ever want to AOE at all, you can tack on another -10% DPS.

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Warlocks are much better than Mages, yes.

Seems like Warlocks and Devokers are the true Mages.