Class Tuning Incoming – June 6

Why are there no substantial Feral buffs? Why do you keep doing this to them? They’re on suicide watch. The Ferals are crying. They don’t deserve this. Stop neglecting our kitties!!!


So no outlaw buffs for pvp?. Well i guess we are so little that they dont care anymore


Because there’s more to WoW than doing +25 keys.


You have to be some kind of special case to think Sub damage wasn’t too high for the kind of control it brings to the game, they need to address Shadowy Duel for the problem it is and always has been any time Sub has brought the kind of burst damage and control it currently has.
It is just a lie to suggest Sub Rogue deals significantly less damage than any other class in PvP.

As for MW its mana pool is way too generous for how strong of a healer it currently is, no other spec comes close to MW mana right now. MW will always win the game based off mana and having the best spot healing in PvP if you can’t beat it on cooldowns (which is a very common scenario in Shuffle environments where going in for CC as a healer is easily punishable).


I don’t think there’s anything more emblematic of Blizzard class balance than looking at the perpetually undertuned Blood getting an 8% damage buff and then the high tier Prot warrior also getting an 8% buff with a bunch of other damage and survivability buffs on top of it.


What about me and my blue collar? JUICE SPRINGSTEEN


In what world is Brewmaster bottom tier? It’s strong and is consistently ranked A-tier in nearly all tank tier lists. The bottom tiers are Blood and Druid.


buff rdruid damage

blood is fine defensively it just does healer damage
prot warrs fallen off since early s1


I agree with you 100% I would rather them change the talent tree so we could take the extra bleed damage buff we just do not have points to take. Even reworking it to give 1 extra point would help. For those that do not know the hunter talent tree. We are forced to take talents like posthaste in order to even get access to the talents below. Some other classes also have some of those useless ones I know. I am sure they would also like their trees looked at rather than just giving them a few percent damage. It is certainly not just a hunter issue.

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In the world where we look at actual numbers, instead of “rank” going off the feels of WoW’s equivalent of the Kardashians.

+10 & up keys - Brewmaster is least-played tank
+15 & up keys - Brewmaster basically tied with Guardian for last
+20 & up keys - Brewmaster in 4th
+25 & up keys - Brewmaster tied for last

And before you try and go with “but the number of people playing a spec isn’t related to how strong it is”… that’s wrong, it absolutely is related. That’s why the population of Prot Paladins exploded overnight this patch.

Go with the numbers, go with the math. Two plus two is four, even if Jimmy With A Youtube Account says otherwise in his “tier list”.


Evoker healer dps buff ??
Disc priest are Dps healers !! Please buff Disc dps at least !! How is disc behind evoker and shaman in dps ?


Man I wish that Blizzard acknowledges Windwalker Monk’s issues.

Scaling is something that we have been barking up a tree for years now. Might be a personal thing for me but its been “fun” having Versatility be our priority stat for like 4 expansions now.

Single target while not as abysmal as Feral druid, we are still relatively low in that regard and the only justification to bring a Windwalker monk is for its 5% physical damage buff, if there is a Brewmaster or a Mistweaver in a raid, its hard to justify bringing a Windwalker to raid because of our low single target, which most raid encounters by design are mainly single target.

Rework monk tree capstones (the statues), I dont know about mistweavers using jade serpent statue but its not ever picked on Windwalker and brewmaster, same with the ox statue, the only statue worth picking up is the white tiger statue which is underwhelming imo.

For Windwalker, Faeline stomp needs to be tossed into the Shadowlands and then tossed into the Maw where it belongs.


Not really.

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and in raid…

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See post 4 above yours.

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This seems off. Hunters, all 3 specs should have gotten a 25-35% damage reduction across the board. Way too OP.


my comment still stands.

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So does mine, I’m gonna go with the actual numbers, rather than the “feelsies” of whomever.

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subcreation uses actual numbers.

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Brewmaster after a short hiatus is back to be being a defacto raid tank as well.

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