Class Tuning Incoming – July 25

Good talk. Very valuable. Much was learned.


Good work very reasonable changes and tunings to overperforming classes like Aug and hpal.

You realise that’s how they do their aoe? How about you actually give them some aoe abilities? God this spec is garbage.

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Hmmm, yes. Quite. Good day, sir. :dracthyr_nod:

They also buffed all the spells link affects, and a lot of shadows aoe damage comes from VT ticks, Apparitions, and Idol of Nzoth which all weren’t affected.

Bliz are likely going to need to redesign shadows aoe again unfortunately, as it has many of the same issues fire did prior to its rework, but the actual number tuning here is very fair. People crying about these nerfs either haven’t thought it through or are just mad because any nerf happened.


so blizzard devs decide to buff shadowpriest because they werent meta enought! they really are out of touch.


I hope so! To be honest my comment was more driven by the underlying issue I have with the spec. The very concept behind their aoe is an absolute mess. Because you are right, the numbers aren’t the issue. PL as a passive bit of additional damage for the spec is all well and good. But having it be the backbone of their aoe just sucks. They need a proper aoe kit with actual abilities, like every other spec has.

I’m not going to hold my breath for them getting another overhaul during DF though. But maybe something like making shadow crash hit its mark instantly rather than after its ghastly travel time, or having halo and divine star also apply their dots. Something to make dot application faster and more reliable so that they can save their hard casting for their abilities which actually do the aoe damage.

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Nerfed aoe, which was too good, and buffed ST which was pretty bad.


I think every attempt at an aoe insanity spender for Shadow has been an abject failure. It just doesn’t really fit on top of the dots and the press on cd direct damage spells and all the interactions.


I think insanity as a mechanic just kind of sucks to be honest. I think it fit thematically and even mechanically back in legion when the spec was all based around voidform. Now it just feels like it’s outstayed its welcome.


this is hilarious coming from a warlock

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I’m very happy with these bm buffs :cowboy_hat_face:

been playing mine and i think you have it right as is currently, if i want to top damage there are plenty of other classes to play

from what i can see the class comes in just above the healers and afk bots but below tanks in damage, not sure these nerfs are necessary when marks hunter is out there hitting people for over 200k back to back with aimed shot.

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Why is Brewmaster getting nerfed? considering were not even meta/overpowered when it comes to M+ to begin with?

Some actually good buffs here for Windwalker pog.


:partying_face: Happy survival Hunter screeches :partying_face:


Buff holy priest! For the love of all that is well… holy! Cheese and crackers!!


TBH they only buffed ST AoE is basically unchanged.


The AoE damage nerf is noticeable, but when you place it in the context of a dungeon with ST bosses and other much lower target count situations it looks a lot less yes.

More noticeable in brackenhide than neltharian’s lair for example.


Look it all the people in the comments thinking that they know the game better than the developers themselves and thinking that they know where each classes and specs stands better than the developers themselves. And thinking that you know your class best better than the developers themselves when in reality you all just want your specific class and spec to outperform the rest and be selfish and don’t want a equal and balance game.

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I made a post about this — blizzard really needs to invest in a data scientist to make a balancing model for them. Really really necessary and would open up doors for them to get more creative with class design if they had an ML/AI tool to balance the classes for them

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