Class Tuning Incoming – July 25

I totally get and understand that Aug needed some adjustments. I just really, really hope this is not their go-to path for addressing Aug in the future. My concern at this point is that this will be their way to ‘fix’ Aug, and will just continuously shift power from buffing other players to your own damage, turning it into a watered-down dps spec with some little support…

I’m enjoying Aug given the fact that it’s support. Like I said, I know adjustments needed to be made, and I agree with that. Just please don’t make this another dps.


His point is mainly to emphasize the fact that Augvokers main role is to buff other group members DPS and to not nerf their ability to do so, even if it means lowering their individual DPS. I am in agreement with him.


I agree too, to an extent. It’s why I posted in another thread the real issue is not how they buff is more the problem than the buffs themselves.

Certain classes benefit way way too well. This causes problems where the solution is to either nerf the other classes so they are weaker in all parties, or just the evoker’s support. Blizzard chose the nerf the support.

In my opinion, if they just changed how the buffs worked to be a flat rate regardless of who is receiving it, then the support role has a chance. But again will need to see how everything shakes out next week.

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Ret in general does more damage than spriests in all content and you expect them to be buffed.

What does that have to do with anything

Spriests are top notch in m+ from what i’ve heard.
And for raiding Spriests are way above ret:

Spriests are 10th place while Ret is at 21st place.
So yes, i expect ret to be buffed as well, it should be about equal to Spriests.

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Statistics and damage are not the same things. Ret does more damage than spriest.
What priests have is a utility gap that hasn’t been touched.

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Wait, WHAT???

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Hunters are still too squishy to be taken seriously. There’s no reason to bring one to anything anymore.


I would fire my class tuning team. So much rebalancing.

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Statistics are based on real dmg logging, Spriests do more dmg than Ret…
What i linked is the damage statistic… there is no “utility statistic”. lol

I’d take an AI and have it look at statistics and balance accordingly, it’d be a lot more accurate than this.


I’m him, and not really, I spend too much time trying to stay alive to actually rejoice.

Hunters are squishy.


Sadly, it’s not as good for Survival as it looks. Roughly ~2% st buff, less than 1% buff in m+ environment. Probably not enough to even move a spot on the list on WCL.

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Implements Support class. Follows up later showing they don’t know what support means. Turns spec into another DPS. Praise the trinity I suppose.

omfg incredibly bad. tanks have it bad enough.


Do the game a favor and let this die.


I’m sorry but you’re just wrong. It might burst higher but it’s absolutely doing less overall.


Soo… You are complaining that Paladins are weak, or suck… When you dont play a Paladin either? And Specifically havent played Paladin after the Retribution and Holy Reworks? While Ret does have some issues with stat scaling at the very top end of content, it is currently performing well, and Holy Paladin is performing S-Tier. Prot Paladin is the middle of the pack tank, but still performing very well.

So I ask you this. Why are you complaining about a class you do not play, and specifically have not played since two out of 3 specs got significant re-works?

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These changes are relatively minor and specific to dungeons. Acting like going from 20/80 in dungeons specifically to at most 30/70 is turning it into a regular DPS spec is laughable.

Why? Shadows aoe damage is overtuned and it’s ST is poor. I think we’re heading for another rethink of shadows aoe with how much pl has been nerfed but the actual numbers that come out of this tend in a positive direction for the game.




Are you going to elaborate on that? Maybe demonstrate that the changes impact more than what I’ve mentioned, or that they’re more severe than the quick estimate I gave?


No. You’re dismissed.