Class Tuning Incoming – July 25

Im glad to see some changes coming. All these “impressive?” numbers and changes. But I am a little sad to see Prot War is only getting a tiny 7% dps boost. I appreciate any boost we can get, but c’mon, we already take 10-20 times longer to down general mobs that others can trash in seconds. I know tnks dont need to be dps, but at least something for those of us who like to pve Prot War spec. It does get frustrating when trying to solo an elite with over 11,XXXk health and were still only doing 2k per hit with maybe 15k crits at a time.

Thanks for at least a little bit of a boost tho. -.-


Great so those that completed mythic+ 3 keys over enjoyed the pre-nerf version of the OP-carry specs. It completely f***s over those who are barely at reach of the top 0.1% title.


Funny you say that considering it took 11 years for them to remove RoP.


Why do you continue too keep Buffing Killshot for BM its like literally stupid,this is the 2nd time in a few weeks.If you want buff us give us kill command buffs,more base hp and lower survival skill Cds that have been asked for ages.Spiritbond was awesome removing it was poor design.


The 1 survival hunter is rejoicing.


Yup. Still sucks to be a paladin. This is why I quit retail. Blizzard hates paladins. Keep telling people that. Maybe some day you people will believe me. And next patch, another paladin nerf.


I don’t know what planet you’re living on if you think Ret or Holy need any sort of buffs. They need buffs about as much as Shadowpriests needed 12% more damage on most of their ST abilities.


You dont play a paladin. I havent logged into retail for months now. Not since Dragonflight launched. And when I played back then, paladins were weak.

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No Arms or Fury ST buffs? Like I get that they don’t want to break our AoE but as of right now top ST specs are beating us in our supposed AoE “niche”.

They can just buff our Auto Attack damage or heck just redo what they did in BFA and make Whirlwind cleave 40% instead of 50% if it means we get to properly compete in ST fights.


why are you commenting on a retail patch note then when you havent played the game since DF launch? you dont know the state of the game


How much catering do you think Blizzard should go over a few hundred people vying for a literal 0.1% title?

Blizzards best move is probably to remove the title so people stop malding over razor edge balance in an infinite scaling system WAY past where the rewards end.


Thank you for not being final on changes, it is not too late to fix Feral’s non-existent self-healing in PvP; the spec cannot even sustain itself against mild dots and pet auto attacks.

Regrowth heals for 30k in PvP and Frenzied Regeneration heals for 16% in PvP; for the other three specs they do not have these illogical restrictions on Regrowth and Frenzied Regen even though they have an easier time making use of them without sacrificing all their pressure and not having to go in to melee range (minus Guardian).

You completely ruined Feral’s survivability and made it the weakest spec defensively last patch when you decided to not buff Regrowth for Feral by 50% in PvP even though every single other hybrid spec in the game got their core healing spell buffed by 50% in ALL aspects of the game, both PvE and PvP, and you didn’t explain why.

It is not too late to let Feral have self-healing like it’s intended to in PvP, please do not let us down again, you made several changes to many specs on pain points that have plagued them for up to an entire decade (Nether Tempest and Living Bomb’s complete lack of damage for example) and you can do it for Feral too.
Feral’s weakness is meant to be being caught out in a stun inside of Cat Form, not pets and mild dot damage. Let successful kiting and hit and run damage be rewarded, not punished.

On a side not, STOP BUFFING OUR DAMAGE, we do not need more damage, we need healing.


you’re supposed to doom about it so we don’t get hit harder.


No, lol. This is very funny though. I guess it’ll help for low level

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No, we were buffing people too much and it was causing issues. The shift in our power was needed.

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Are you joking? MM hunter has been the most over-performing class since DF came out. They casually do 3 or 4 times as much damage as the next highest dps in a battleground. Its so bad that if the enemy team is stacked with mm hunters, many will just assume the game is over before its even started, because they’re that strong. often times 1 aimed shot and 1 rapid fire can insta kill you. If that player is pvp geared, or a lvl 70 party-syncd into low-level BGs, they can kill you with a single aimed shot. either nerf mm hunters or buff other dps damage in pvp. As a healer I dont really care either way, but there is a clear discrepancy in performance and its making the pvp leveling experience awful.

evidence: Party Sync Is Bad For PvP - YouTube


why are you guys happy to see these nerfs?

This is all terrible and detracts from the game. WoW gamers are so opposite it’s weird.

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So much this. Kneejerk reaction, let us have osme fun with it. What does it hut, everyone can bring an Augvoker into their grp if they so wish.
Why buff my Aug DPS? I can simply just go Devastation.


I could very much be wrong, but I don’t think reducing Augvoker damage to compensate for buffs will help. Not if, for example simply having you around makes the entire group just that much better.

Will need to see how it shakes out when the tuning goes live.

Hi, make MM trick shot uncapped and buff their survivability!! Low 5 target damage is NOT the reason MM is not brought to high keys. The reason is target-capped damage and dying to every fart that comes their way. And let hunters do full damage in turtle like paladins can in their bubbles.