Class Tuning Incoming – July 25


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Stop nerfing fun specs. Buff melee.

All melee suck do no dmg compared to casters buff melee. Buff havoc AMN. uncap everything


It would be nice to see Ret Paladin PvP Talents updated to reflect the rework. There’s a lot of dead PvP Talents on the Paladin class right now.

You’re removing a lot of those ancient rock, paper, scissor philosophies by giving DKs a 30% melee shield wall, allowing Hunters to deal damage to armored targets, etc… Would be nice if Paladins got something more to fight into casters.

There’s some specs that feel universally strong, while others still feel very hard countered and it’s just not really fun playing those hard countered specs anymore. =/

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“Under-performing” and “Over-performing”

can’t you guys just adopted a 3rd word… like “Normal-performing”

the amount of class tuning that is going this expac is just ridiculous, there has to be some sort of hidden agenda behind this CONSTANT changing that NEVER seems to be fair. Do you not test these changes? I don’t understand how its okay to attempt to balance things by applying WILD percentages. Could you imagine back in classic if they said one week actually your main ability is going to do +25% damage, then the next week they say “whoooaaa that was way too much” and reduce it by +30%? The more I type the less I understand about the balancing protocols that are going on behind the scenes. It’s like, OF COURSE things are going to be unfair when you are CONTSTANTLY changing abilities by not 1 or 2% but by sometimes 50% or 75%? I just want to understand why they think good for us or them. Why

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Season 2 has made me rethink about the teams balancing decisions. I remember the day when utility was counted as a factor in player power. Players with utility have a reason to bring less damage to the table because of the utility they bring. Not to mention Blizz’s favorite classes bs ruining the immersion.

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I’m sure they are. But some have it significantly easier when played properly and that’s the point.

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My guess is make their impact on parses less while adjusting their damage up. It’s probably easier to balance if they are traditional dps that buffs the others 10-20% instead of 40-50.

It basically makes them less required but still highly wanted.

Btw, that bear tank nerf is laughable. Luckily veng is strong so I still get invited otherwise I’d have to dust off my bear for 22+ keys.

Nice to know another round of nerfs and I just start off on my alts,oh goody.

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The changes made still leave the spec predominantly buff based, and the larger changes don’t even affect the spec in raids because it was clutchmates that was changed.

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Only about 15k dps ahead of the other tanks in m+ :slight_smile:

Oh wow maybe i wont dump my ww monk then

Give it a month ww gets nerfed again guarenteed

And if that happens then you need to look at ww alternatives like where certain spells are soft capped at. Maybe change it to 8 for FoF for soft cap and maybe change how strike of the windlord works

A great quality of life change for that spell would make it a come similar to how evoker fire breath works. Obviously don’t make it as big but similar cast and animation to go with it would be cool. Some times I get around 8 million damage for that spell and others I’ll get less than 4 same dungeon same casts just doing it wrong cause i can’t see it.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk

Yeah… We need 7% more damage to kill commands or something here… Or add attack speed to Thrill of the Hunt

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I think these changes with go a long way to address the over-representation of Brewmasters in M+ and raids. :roll_eyes:

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Buff Outlaw you cowards


They’ll still find a way to gut us for any “buffs” that they’ll give us. For raid literally all that happened was they nerfed HO but don’t worry, KIR sims so much higher! Except for the fact that KIR is pure simbait and isn’t even realistic. Until they uncap Blade Flurry which they’ll never do, Outlaw will always be behind Sub and completely useless unless Sub gets turbo nerfed in M+.

I’m so sick of being forced to play this mindless braindead 2 button spec. It’s absolutely ridiculous that as soon as you hit 3 targets Sub starts pulling away and dumpstering Law with every single additional mob while also being uncapped. If I’m forced to be limited to 8 for not one single legitimate reason then it should dominate in that 2-8 target range.


if the tank is good i can hit near them sim number :laughing:

Yes, then make a Gnome Hunter, and only use Clefthoofs. Be buried by pets.

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So, from what I gathered, Blizzard, is that I get to inflict bigger numbers upon my victims?

I am satisfied. For now.

Crawls into the warrior corner a second later and pulls out the instruction manual. “What is ‘Onslaught’ and ‘Ravager’ again…?”

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  • Beast Mastery
  • Barbed Shot damage increased by 15%. ( Approx 8% of our DMG)
  • Cobra Shot damage increased by 15%. ( Approx 2% of our DPS)
  • Kill Shot damage increased by 15%. ( less then 1% of our DPS)

Based on that, this will increase BM a whopping 1.5% DPS overall. Still gonna be dead last by a mile, not to mention no fix for the terrible survivability. What a joke. Do the devs even know the hunter class? Between WoW and D4… things are kinda concerning.

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Absolutely uncalled for. Revert it and never touch Ursoc’s Fury again unless to buff it.

Also, buff Arms and Fury ST Damage for God’s sake. You keep buffing everyone else while sitting back going “Warriors are fine.”

Yeah? And if you keep buffing everyone else and leaving Warriors alone, soon we won’t be fine.