Class Tuning Incoming – July 25

Garbage buffs for BM, thanks for nothing Blizz!

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Who needs all those amazingly useful tools other classes have when you can reduce mob damage by 3-4%?!?! You have all those great stuns, gouge, shroud that are pretty much useless against bosses so what’s the issue? :crazy_face:

you think the devs play?

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The forums literally have gotten mad about devs playing the game.

So yeah, I think they do.

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I truly believe their intention is to rotate OP stuff to get people to make multiple toons. It’s so egregious this expansion after ret pallys reign of terror and now the Aug/Mage/Spriest mess in M+.

It’s very boring. People should be able to play any class they want and have it potentially be highly competitive. I almost have one of every class at 420+ ilevel and could gear anything of them super fast to 437+ with crafts and running +11s but not everyone does, some people have lives or simply have a favorite class they want to stick with.

Some semblance of balance would be nice.

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there will always be a meta group though, since the challenge dungeons of WoD there is always an optimal group make up.

You’ll NEVER escape that in this game.

There is a difference between a meta and one spec doing 20% more, and having a much easier time doing it.

There is a middle ground.

No one is asking for perfect balance. We typically acknowledge that isnt possible. But a 15-20% difference is out of line.


Idk balance and enhance both are up there

Aff got reworked literally last expansion and keeps getting their capstones changes every .X patch this expansion. Doom Blossom and Dread Touch have been in pretty much every patch.

Still not a complete rework.

Huh? You’re telling me that going from UA spam to MR (which has opened a new can of worms by hard forcing talents like Siphon Life even in AoE) isn’t a rework?

I still miss 9.2 demo. I’d immediately swap lock if that came back.

They changed a lot for demo going into DF.

If you couldn’t tell from my comment I don’t care about the numbers, I care about a support spec being turned into a dps spec. I wish if they’re nerfing one part of the support then they’d buff another part of the support, not add to our dps. They’re nerfing the increase in dps we give and the health we give… idk they should give us a way to passively heal the party then and/or increase the movement speed given by bronze attunement.

9.2 demo was pretty fun.
MoP demo was top tier though.



That glyph that made Demo locks sort of a tank spec was neat.

The issue is not that there is a meta, but the issue is the simple fact that a healer or a class… is taking a large amount of advantage, be it due to dps, healing, self-sufficiency, etc.
Hpally is a very clear example, since it is practically still ahead by 15-25%, because compared to any other healer it is too brutal.
Also, the previous meta was very different from now… since before we had at least 15-20 meta specs that were viable instead of 5-6 now :slight_smile:

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Viable for what? 28s?

The 0.1% title?

Because if it’s CE, gladiator, KSH portals, etc. all 39 specs are viable.

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People in the forums really need to drop the meta and consider playing what you like because all classes are viable and whoever is telling you that they are not are clearly ignorant and doesn’t know anything.

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They may be “Viable” but tell that to the people who follow the fotm.
To be successful you must be part of that elite or people who have the class.
Although of course, there are people who manage to get the most out of their non-meta class/spec, but of course it requires too much effort…
So… better balance the game : 3

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Yep, and that’s pretty cool. :dracthyr_comfy_sip: The only exception I’d make is, like, tanks for glad. That might be a pretty rough go for a few of them some seasons, lmao.

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