Class Tuning Incoming – July 25

Alright problem solved. Now I can kill time displaced enemies 5% faster!

Its not about who worse its about ehat the devs play

And you’re going with warlock, who tends to get reworked every patch every expansion?


I think shadow easily holds the title of most reworked spec in wow.


Yes, yes it does.

This is shadow, not warlock.
Warlock has not seen a shadow or ret level rework in literally expansions.
Major difference between “talent changes” and a full blown rework like shadow got.

Resto Sham was recently hit with a heavy nerf.

Yet that didnt stop shaman from getting a hard nerf recently.

Lol what. Seriously?

Ignoring vanilla to wrath because that was more like blizzard building the specs than reworking them, though I guess points for the wrath VT change and devouring plague redesign.

Completely reworked in Cata
Completely reworked in mop
WoD was additions but it also included two game changing talent builds that fundamentally impacted gameplay
Reworked in legion
Reworked again after en
Reworked in bfa
Reworked in bfa again at the end of uldir
Reworked in Shadowlands
Reworked in dragonflight
Reworked again in 10.1


Yes. Show me when the ENTIRE talent tree, and the playstyle of the class was redone prior to dragonflight.
Did warlock get new minions? Did warlock get its entire playstyle and how the entire class or spec functions redone? Did warlock lose half of its abilities? Did warlock lose its 50% of its toolkit? Did warlock get redone more than once in the last 6 months?
Be quiet mage.

Imma be fair Aff has been through the ringer with the changes to ua and addition of malefic rapture, also demo is unrecognisable after legion against it’s WoD counterpart. And all 3 specs received massive fundamental changes in mop.

Warlock has had some very big reworks over the years, but it’s also 3 specs and between them they’ve each had pretty long periods of stability too. Destro especially has conceptually barely changed since mop.

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Because there can’t be an insanely high difference in terms of healing, utility and dps between all healers.
And before someone says… “Buff the healers and case solved”, the answer is no from blizzard, since they said that they wanted to prevent us healers from being so powerful and the only option left apart from buffing other healers would be to nerf the most powerful one (that is, Hpally).
Currently they are carried by their art utility, brutal healing and on top of that it has dissipations that everyone seeks (disease) that greatly facilitates the m +.
Unfortunately this is how the current game works and if Hpally can be nerfed so that it is on par with the other healers… it could work, since in S1 the meta healers were 3 and the other healers were among the best (not meta, but better).

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No clearly all those Guardian Druids have been playing since Day 1.

Well yes, but still nothing like shadow has been through

a 2.5% nerf to aoe and 12% buff to single target, sure the class is dead speacially when they were ahead for like 30% in aoe.

I don’t even know what you’re replying to. I said the spec was fine. Also it’s 7% not 12.

Also they absolutely are not ahead 30% in AoE, you’re pulling numbers out of your a.

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That’s a pretty accurate listing the various warlock reworks - what about shadow priests?

That’s the shadow list.

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Pro tip, don’t get attached to one class this expansion. These constant tunings are bipolar.


Or dont rely on fotm rerolling.


At least you have a purpose in keys have you seen Mistweaver kit compared to other healers now that’s IGNORED