Bloods almost unkillable already
I mean, SERIOUSLY? No fury AGAIN. You even buff ret pal when they already only fall behind DH rogue and monk among melee specs in damage. And they also have great utilities!! WHY??? Fury not only falls behind in damage, also we have 0 utility! You guys should just go play fury for once and apply for M+ then tell me what you think. Jeez
This is the second tuning where Marksman has not got any attention. Its single target is very weak and survival is the worst. Its been very poor since losing Double tap.
Consider yourself lucky affliction locks have gotten zero tuning in a huge amount of time they just ignore it
Oh wow. I was not expecting so many changes! As SP I am happy to read this
I mean… battle shout is a stronger damage gain than ret aura. Rally is a way better raid cd than blessings. In a m+ environment i pretty much would pick between the two based on io rather than utility.
Fury may not be in the best state, but come on now, they aren’t devoid of raid buffs, like good ol survival hunters or those poor people that still somehow play shamans lol
Yea I should state that I spoke more from a M+ standpoint. Also probably because I main in Asian server where people only tend to pick meta specs or good all around specs. Fury warriors are joked to be '‘fountain guards’ spec in that environment - you just dont get invited.
Exactly. People are just upset that they won’t be able to stunlock and burst down clothies in an instant. They just want to be able to faceroll casters like they have been.
Exactly they care about ratings even if it takes zero skill to achieve it
What data and player feedback have you been monitoring exactly? Absolutely nobody that plays Holy will see these changes and be ok with them. This addresses nothing that is wrong with the spec. Throughput wise, we struggle on spot healing and AoE healing and holy power spenders don’t feel good to use either. Were underperforming in all pve content. Again what data are you even looking at?
I mean i’m not a hardcore pvper. But everything ive heard, Its been a melee meat grinder all expac. Im glad for some armor buffs for cloth wearers. Melee don’t have cast times that can be interrupted and most melee have relatively short cooldowns on their interrupts. Most melee also have way more gap closers than ever as well, so even if you manage to get away from one they’re usually right back in your face instantly, then factoring in stuns, and slows.
I would really love to know. Like genuinely I want to know. Because it’s starting to feel like they’re just bending over and pulling these “fixes” straight from their asses.
What? Holy Paladin spot healing is great imo. Are you using enough Crit+Mastery and taking Light of Dawn off your bars? Holy Prism and Beacon of Virtue are GOAT, also.
Maybe they can use some of that Microsoft money to hire new DK devs. I won’t hold my breath though…
Factor in all of this along with their self heals and they’ve been been absolutely destroying casters, easily. Now they’ll have to put in just a wee bit of effort for their kills and they’re already crying. Casters won’t be invulnerable, taking them down just won’t be faceroll worthy.
Yo Blizzard, Affliction warlock still exists, can we have something to fix our ST?
Im pretty sure there are more than 3 warlocks in the top 100 in pvp. Im not talking about a specific hunter spec im saying all hunter specs there are only 3 in the leaderboard for pvp.
Im pretty sure warlock has double the representation hunters have.
What the F… Ret is already tier S
No and you are already tier S, idk what kind of bulls… is blizzard doing.