Class Tuning Incoming – January 23

Cause they are fine. Why buff them even more.

I’m sick of those two button 1 second burst classes without any skill involved

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If you are only using two buttons on any class, you are not playing it right.


I showed they were lower.

To raise them up to the other specs levels.

No class takes skill in this game to play.

People parrot that arcane is convoluted and hard to play, but guess what, even players messing up their rotation are doing top of the top damage on heroic.

So even if a class is complicated, anyone can do great dps on them, if the potential of the spec is high.
Blizz is raising the potential on specs that have it low, it’s called balancing.



Might have missed a reasonable answer, but: Why are they buffing so much? It’s not as though there is a challenge downing mythics, or any other level of 5 man or raid.

Someone mentioned, “Lock fear is worthless”, paraphrased. I see a reduction in their skill but an increase to all fears. Hope that distinction helps.

Also, people saying, “hunter buffs, why?” I believe I saw a 4% increase to Survival hunter only.

But seriously, why the buffs? Not exactly complaining, just curious.

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There appears to be a section missing for Fury Warrior where the change to Reckless Abandon is reverted to 2 Bloodbaths/Crushing Blows.


We just going to let Sin rogues die again uh… without PI we ain’t worth much, it’s the worst feeling ever.


Ret buffs = more people spending money on buying gold from Blizzard to complete their Leggo.

It was a financial decision, not a class balancing decision.

Rets are gonna be one class I’m not gonna bother bringing to lower end farm keys. I really have no interest in watching 1 class just burst everything down in 2 seconds while the other DPS just sit there and watch.

Same reason I don’t bother bringing DH’s.


A good start.

Festering Wound and Coil nerf is fine, but why ANOTHER Necro Wound nerf? And those armor changes- DKs were already being absolutely shredded by phys damage. Warlocks already have bonus armor in PvP. With this change Warlocks will be a menace. Also… what are those ret buffs coming to pvp as well? What is actually going on with the devs? It’s obvious they don’t pvp at all.

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That’s who did highest keys, not popularity. If they are doing highest keys they are good.


The buffs are almost entirely focused on ST, as blade and verdict are ST abilities, and the buff to wake focuses mostly on the ST wake talent and not the DoT or the cleave talent.

It’s 5%~ st but at most 2-3% aoe. Not going to break the meta with that.


Yet unnecessary, look at MM, devestation, affliction, etc.


damn… interesting take. Conversely I would take all Ret Paladins if I could.

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Given the changes being made look to be mostly from the perspective of raid data, I’d say Ret buffs that focused on ST over AoE were warranted.

Aff and MM do kinda stink though, not wrong. Devastation is fine in raid too it’s just overshadowed by aug. All 3 have huge problems in keys that hotfix buffs can’t really fix.


Yea, agree, seeing what they buffed: DK, arms, survival, looks like a raid buff, they just forgot about feral and monk.

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You don’t tune around poor play; if you can’t figure out how to optimally play your spec, you don’t need buffs, you need to improve as a player.

Tuning should absolutely be done to balance the potential of every spec, not poor performance that’s caused by misplays.




Just an aside to this, it’s not necessarily poor play but the environment changing dramatically between key levels. Specs doing 20s that have long ramp up / require long setups will typically underperform compared to plug and play burst DPS (Mostly melee) but once things start living they can spread their wings. The best SPs / Moonkins, despite being able to hold their own against the average quality of player doing 20s, will be absolute shadows of what they might be capable of at higher key levels.

Not to say there’s an obvious answer to this, but wanting to feel strong in the content level you do isn’t always just a case of “Play better”.

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If those specs want that, they need their current playstyle changed, that’s a design issue but the solution definitely isn’t make them super strong for 20s and now they’re omegabusted for 28-30s, but it’s ok cuz 20s only players are happy…that’s just not a viable option.