How can elemental shaman not getting any buffs? terrible right now for raiding and mythic plus. Quit balancing us around Council fights.
Uncap LMT, buff EQ by 30%, increase deeply rooted elements to 10% chance and give us raid buff such as Skyfury (3% crit) or a 3% haste totem.
What is wrong with developers?
holy pump boi… are the retri great again ?
Soul swap gameplay is yuck, don’t make it mandatory.
You can mess around with the percentiles all you want it still shakes out bottom 5, and it’s only as high as it is because of the council fight (Which it doesn’t abuse anywhere near as much as balance or else). Without that it’s even lower.
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lmaooo what data do they look at… look at those paladin buffs and then the dog poop warrior buffs. no fury buffs… and my paladin 15 i levels lower then my warrior does as much or more then my warrior. just push divine storm 15 times in a row. they dont actually pay attention to anything. then they buff arms aoe and it needs a talent rework to get rid of that poop talent FATALITY absolutely worthless bc u leave the boss or it flys away. no one uses or would ever spec into cleave. ARMS NEEDS A SINGLE TARGET REWORK. WHAT DATA ARE YOU LOOKING AT GO TO WARCRAFT LOGS . ARMS AND FURY ARE POOP. TRY PUGGING AS A WARRIOR WE OFFER NOTHING. make a shout that gives lust something useful. these people running wow are so oblivious to the actual game.
Yeah, I don’t heal with LoD and I’m more of a m+ gamer so I run crit haste vers > mastery. I’m currently sitting at 40% crit, 35% haste, 25% mastery and 20% vers and yet spot healing spells heal for more on my lower ilvl alts vs my 486 hpal main.
whole damn game is catered to 400 players and buffed and nerfed according to people who are 489 full bis. those numbers dont reflect 80 percent of the player base. agragated date from 2800 players in a game of a 1-2 million players. its
Why in the F are you buffing Ret AGAIN??? AND why no nerfs to DH AOE???
Same with LoD and same with M+ primarily. 25% Mastery? Oh man, that must make it hard, LOL. (I only do sub-20 keys and am 484.) IIRC my Crit is 44% and Mastery is 57%. I saw glaring healing issues leveling up and gearing up, but after prioritizing crit/mas and breaching around 465 IL, things became simpler.
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lol good golly miss molly do you ever sing a different tune on the priest forums! shadow priests are in great shape and run 28 m+ on the reg ova there!
odd, your change in tune on THESE forums, in a thread such as this, even…
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these guys are out in lala land lol. they buffed cleave for warriors lmaooooo when the problem with arms is it does garbage single target. these are just lazy buffs to shut people up. every m+ i go into as fury that has a ret pally i get smoked in damage even if they are lower i level. some pulls they hit 1 mill
That’s popularity, not damage.
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Yeah, because the 3% we received last time made a massive difference.
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I never said the spec was in a good place, nor did I say I didn’t expect changes. Just that if you’re doing tank damage in keys as you claimed then the problem lay between the chair and the keyboard.
DK Unholy needs reworking.
They have to manage 3 resources and a pet. You have Runes, Runic power, and Festering Wounds stacks. The reason there was so much spike damage during Gargoyle and weak damage outside of that is because thats when all those resources lined up and can be dumped. Outside of that period its more of a resource battle, you spend one to get another to spend that to get another to spend that to get the first one. If the target dies or you mess up rotation your dps goes to zero as you wait for runes or runic power or stacks of Festering Wounds.
Just get rid of the need to stack Festering Wounds would go a long way with trying to balance Unholy.
lol, in as many words, over and over and over again, yes you surely did! s’all good though mang, not gonna get into it again. you in this thread stating plain as day, absolutely unambiguously that shadow is BOTTOM 5 and needs the upcoming help has a pretty cut and dry meaning and is enough for me. you have a good day, though! and don’t worry, i won’t reveal this to your priest forum crew, either. i know you got a rep to maintain in that cesspool.
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What does your PVP data say on hunters because representation data says they are at the bottom for all specs and the only place they are doing well are low rating.
Problem is Ret does very well in low end content because it bursts very high and isn’t hard to do burst damage on. Most people play at a level where the average Ret paladin they meet is better than the average of many other specs, as you go up that becomes less the case.
How many people running +30? Check +20 these are the keys who needs to be tuned. Not some eSports garbo
yeah, they are. reading this latest round of buffs for ret was a real head-scratcher. but this is blizz-style balancing we’re talking about here. you just have to learn to take it or leave it, and don’t expect to do much damage on trash.