Class Tuning Incoming – January 23

you are wrong, hes actually right, and you’ll see once the patch hits, Ret will be as competitive as DH. It was already good, it just that only bad players are playing ret for now

Face it, they don’t like locks to begin with now for some reason, and only seem to listen to the locks that like demo.
Affl and Destro have been shat upon. Affl even more than Destro.

It’s just 5% overall dmg increase dude, calm down and play the stupid game.

The top players play mythic and they aren’t doing great.
And if ret is so simple, it should be easy to get it to top over everything else if things were equal, but they aren’t.

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Clothies: Yah!
Platies: Nah!
Mail/Leathers: Welcome to my reality.

I don’t really care about PVP, but it seems idiotic for everyone to have about the same armor… what’s the point of armor classes then?

Just get rid of armor as a stat and get it over with, put resilience back in. lmao

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Added a few additional PvP tuning changes with this week’s realm restarts:

Player vs. Player Changes

  • Druid
    • Bear Form now increases armor by 175% in PvP (was 220%).
  • Shaman
    • Elemental
      • Armor reduced by 12.5% in PvP.
  • Warlock
    • Demon Skin increases armor by 22.5%/45% in PvP (was 45%/90%).
  • Warrior
    • Armored to the Teeth effectiveness increased by 45% in PvP.

BUFF ELE IN PVE TILL TWW AND THEN REWORK IT , please.I am begging you.


ok so we took care of all the new armor issues except for MAGE???


You need nerf WW monk survivability and ret pala too.

8 min per game 1 min cd walls x2, Blessing of Sacrifice 1 min cd, 2 bubles, LoH, You can remove 1 stun, fear or silence from your Healer per 45 seconds, double freedom every 15 seconds. Same for WW monk. (And don’t forget to have some sort of discipline priest with x2 Pain of Suppression + swap, hunter with 1 min cd Teammate Sacrifice, or resto druid with 1 min cd Bark on their team).

Now put it all together, and start rotating one by one, and what do we get? Simply an invincible clay mixture. (As a result, in long game the paladin gets his third bubble and magic buble, the priest gets his third Pain of Supression, etc)

And the most disappointing thing is their random crits that amount to random one-shots. What the demon warlock does not have. You make some absolute god level classes in the arena with best utilitys, best survive combo, best explosive damage in a short period of time for 1 insta cc.

Elem Shaman vs Casters have big survive with no hard casts. So nerf armor Ele Shaman, Will not help casters fight this specialization.

And we need nerf healing from treants rdruid. Not only did this become AI healing, but in addition to this, these treants heal teammates even when behind a pillar.

Games go into severe dampening 8-10 min per match in rated 3v3. And at some point, the druid simply presses the meld and drinks 100% of the mana in a couple of seconds.

I can’t believe that ret paladins, with so much utility, get an increase in damage.
When holypala, the paladin gets an armor nerf.

You should nerf the survivability of these classes, thereby reducing the duration of matches. It’s unbearable to sit and wait for dampening in the 3v3 rating arena to 80% minus heal, where I end up getting a random one-shot for 1 mass stun after 8 mins game.

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What about Evoker armor?

Doesn’t make sense nerfing Sham’s shield specs but not nerfing Evoker’s fat armor buffs.


i like the damage buff.

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I’m sorry, but the irony of Blizzard liking Demo Locks is just something that really tickles me.

Blizzard… Demo Locks… hehe


I’d be cool with it if they just made the cooldown of LMT 20 seconds. That’s all. You want them to chuck Lava Bursts at everything, fine, but let them do it.

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Can you please explain the decision to reduce the value of armor types in PvP? It’s a big change. Would like to know the thought process on this one.


I’m sorry, what? You nerfed Bear? Why?


Because specs like MM deal majority physical damage and currently beat the entire Mage class by just existing yet tickle every plate class because of the difference in just how much passive armor these classes have.

There is zero counterplay to passive armor if you don’t have majority bleed or magic damage.

Armor (the stat) shouldn’t exist in PvP except for temporary modifiers to it.

No DH nerfs is wild

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Nothing against mages but can you please tone down the animation for Shifting Power. I can handle most everything including the disco that is Throne of the Tides but the newly revised Shifting Power makes me seize.

That tuning is almost like were still F tier or something lol.

The Bear Form nerf is a joke, right? You’ve finally made Bear Form viable by realizing that you’ve let completely unnecessary nerfs sit on Frenzied Regen for far too long, and then you nerf Bear Form?

How many more posts, threads, and videos saying that Feral is the most killed melee in every bracket at every level, and is killed more than most ranged specs too, do you need?

Feral is in the most dire defensive spot it’s ever been in, and at the same time, you’ve forced our gameplay into requiring cyclone casts just to live, let alone to do damage. So we are squishier than we’ve ever been, and we have to be within 25 yards of everyone and in caster form.

If you’re going to nerf us like this then you absolutely need to fix the Druid Class Tree. Put actual usable defensive options like The Natural Order’s Will and Call of the Elder Druid into the tree. Remove the completely wasted talents—stop making us pay a hybrid tax twice over, once in game with form shifting, and again on our talent tree.

This is ridiculous. Do better.