Glad I unsubbed.
Class balance is insanely out of wack across the board.
Done with wow.
Glad I unsubbed.
Class balance is insanely out of wack across the board.
Done with wow.
I am playing arcane because I love the fantasy of it and not for the numbers.
Mistweaver is about to do some insane damage in low keys
Redesign. Lmfao. You know nothing about the talent tree rework. MT and ST talents are gated even further behind useless junk with additional 2 point blocks.
Lets not talk about the new circle of life and death that brings an additional nerf that the garbage redesign already brings by excluding mushrooms.
uh huh sure.
Fury warrior set bonus needs help. Please
I have been playing exclusively mage arcane for a long time since legion. And nothing else well destro lock sometimes but majority arcane mage.
What’s going on with Double Tap? It still being removed in 10.5? Could you please shake the hunter dev awake and ask them to write an explanation? There are multiple threads on the PTR forum asking about this with no answers and hunters still don’t know what your end goal is there.
Also, any update on Hunter survivability? We’re still making healers cuss up and down in all content and sometimes it’s not even because we’re standing in bad.
slight wheeze
Thank you!
These 2 specs needed this so much. Affliction should now be very close to demo in raid if not very ahead on certain encounters like Terros and Dathea.
RAY OF FROST why??? Do you think we have time to channel that stupid thing?? It’s 1 second longer than shifting power which also rarely finishes the entire cast. NO ONE IS TAKING glacial spike! Another 4 second cast that will need to constantly be interrupted from the million ground mechanics you put in this xpac. WTF is going on?
Frozen orb, ice lance, blizzard, increase those!
Also, guess what we’re still coming out of shadowlands this is why class tuning still has to happen because this game hasn’t gotten a proper phase of class tuning for like I don’t know three expansions. And during those three expansions we had borrowed power and systems completely ruining classes and it’s balance so yeah this is why class tuning is still happening.
Pvp wise how bout a unnerf to DKs DS and other unnecessary stuff you did
Surprised not to see any Resto Shaman changes.
You are truely oblivious to whats going on with moonkins and druids stick to your own class discussions…there is a reason moonkin has turned into a nature affliction lock…that is because the druid dev quit with the priest dev and we are stuck with the warlock dev working on our class.
DH/Spriest/Demo Lock nerfed HARD.
Somehow Unh DK avoided any nerfs and Ele Shaman’s are probably going to be the new top caster…they are already doing huge damage.
[Feels neglected in HPal]
They (blizzard) is being neutral because they know they can’t please everyone in their design goals and gathering feedback and stuff. So be thankful to even have any attention at all.
Total joke 100% correct. Buff talents no one uses and all of them are long channels or casts that are super not great in the DF dungeon design. Shifting power is bad enough.
people scream for some sort of balancing… tweaks are made, the screaming gets louder as if it’s the last tuning ever, with lots of foot-stomping about “but the class i play didn’t get buffed enough!”
…and then there’s the dude who decides to throw in a random question about tier sets.
…and people wonder why blues don’t attempt any back-and-forth communication here anymore.