Class Tuning Incoming – December 19

BM hunters are top dps in raid and mythic+.


I do not understand why we keep buffing Ret by 3%. It’s a meme.

Ret gives up the most ST to take AoE talents or vice versa. Any time cleave is involved we disappear on the meters. We have needed talent adjustments ever since the rework forced us into either doing Boss damage or AoE damage but never both. Ret Paladins might look okay in M+, but we do near tank levels of boss damage to burst trash.


Buddy, your spec got at most a 4% AoE nerf. It’s still top-tier in keys LOL.


Ever pvp? Yeah, Spriest is forgotten.


So… Before seeing how things even out with the other class buffs you nerf Assassination yet again? Kind of feels like your are forcing us back into the dark corner of shame for mastering our rotation/cds. Maybe it’s time to get better class designers and testers, so things like this stop happening at the start of every tier.
Grats to the classes who got buffed - Blizzard has been neglecting a lot of you all the last few tiers/xpacs.


They had DF S2.

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The change does not exclude PVP.

You are the second most represented class and in top 5 of range specs for representation. Your position in most played only drops in 2v2 and its 1 spot.

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I still want the mass dispel change reverted. MD feels awful to use now and the fact it’s on a 2 minute CD is horrific. Changing MD like they did was unjustified in my opinion.


Oh, are we playing DF season 2 right now? News to me.

The pvp balance has been abysmal, the spec is a mishmash of conflicting design choices, the spec is not fun to play vs the meta at all, being trained all game is a viable strat against spriest.


They already saw world first play. Not sure what more they need.

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They are so out of touch with what is needed that this is just comical.


Look you’re not gonna like what I’m about to say, but “train the shadow priest” has always been a viable strat and should be utilized. Leaving one open is stupid, and has been stupid for years. Because the usual strat of “train the spriest” is as it has always been, and you are a target that must be shut down does not make the spec bad.

What, should you be uncatchable and very tanky, and not a viable kill target, therefore left open because “well I’ll never kill the shadow priest, so lets hope I can race it down successfully”. No. And I say that as a priest main.


Spriest needs more than an aoe damage buff to feel good to play


Does anyone there actually play retribution?
Because 3% isn’t anywhere near what’s needed, it’s dead last on the meters (aug had hooks broken so doesn’t matter) and the lego is nothing special.

When are you fixing the absurd distance between low ST in AOE talents and low AOE in ST talents? Ret is one of, if not the most affected due to the talents not being properly mixed with both ST and AOE.


You’re not even looking at correct data, that’s a range from 1k-4k rating.

Let’s take a look at 2k+ why don’t we? Oh, what’s that, disc is popular as a healer, that’s great!

Oh, where’s shadow priest above 2k, let’s scroll down:

Oh, according to your dataset from that site, spriest is dead last above 2k, with a .78% representation… Strange that… Looks like frost DK above 2k is the only lower represented spec.


…please tell me this is an out of date april fools joke like what did Essence Font of all abilities do to deserve this? Like at this point might as well just delete it.


/major cringe.

almost 20 years and still cannot adjust classes based on :

  1. soloing
  2. grouping (dungeons, mythics)
  3. pvp
  4. raiding

long ago, class tuning (also know as nerfing and tweaking) was because of pvp; so when the hammer fell, it affected everyone on the pve side also.

now a days, we have it for group content and pvp. groups most likely : dungeons, mythics and raids.

and this places solo players where?


PVE, since day 1, has been the main focus of class tuning and design.


Finally some good f’ food


The fact there’s not a single buff for MM is sad.

We’re literally one of the bottom 3 specs right now, and only over-conflated in Mythic parses due to people padding on adds.