Class Tuning Incoming – August 22

Thank youuuuuu, I take back my earlier comment.

Paladin & Priest utility has been off the charts for years. Long overdue for nerfs/spreading those abilities to other classes.

Battle Rez used to be a Druid-only thing, now multiple classes can do it.

Yet Mass Dispel, Mind Soothe are STILL exclusive to JUST PRIESTS and they also bring a party-wide buff and strong offhealing as DPS.

Start tossing Mass Dispel around, more. Remove it from Shadow Priests, give it to Resto Shamans and Mistweavers, or something.

Ditto with BoP, either spread it around or remove it from the game.

This whole “we’ll spread around some classes’ utility but keep a bunch of others exclusive to just 1 class” thing Blizzard has had going the last few years is garbage.


LOL, I know right!?!?!?

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Kind of demoralizing for my team as we tried to push for the rank 1 title and then the god comp completely inflated rating. We scrambled to level and gear up the meta classes for a new push but it was too late.

Even with the 1st round of brutal nerfs, we were still confident we could achieve it. But now with these additional nerfs, it will be extremely difficult to do so while the others have built a sizable lead after playing the ultra giga pre nerf version of the god comp.

At this point I am not surprised by these knee jerk nerfs but I will make a suggestion. Since the rank 1 cutoff was baked in pre nerf, I suggest artificially creating a rank 1 cutoff this season. Perhaps 3280 (all 25s) which was about what you needed for rank 1 last season.

Lastly I will say this: the meta players will always play the meta classes. No matter what you try to do the players will dictate what is played based on what gives the highest competitive advantage especially as the margin of error grows smaller as the key level goes up. Trying to balance the game around the 0.01-1% is futile. The rest of the player base will always follow what the 0.01-1% does and the classes in m+ will reflect that. There will always be a meta and we will continue to ride this headache of a carousel which you call class tuning.


Let’s hope enough players are left to push high keys in S2 to make this change worthwhile. Do you expect other specs to reach the title numbers that Hpal/Aug/Spriest/Fmage/Guardian already have?

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Can you please address WW and also how Augment pairs with some of the very high burst specs?

This isn’t healthy for PvP


Or how DKs essentially have an execute now.


You nerfed WW, but they still hit like a truck.


Augment also has substantial burst considering their role.


103k off the opener from an Augment.


Unstable Affliction or Survival Tactics is bugged.


Lastly, Turtle badly needs to be reworked. If this is intended, it’s an extremely frustrating CD to use. Being hit an entire second after using our largest CD and also not having the 30% damage reduction applied is frustrating.



The 0.1% title seems to cause nothing but tears.


Cool, now buff Ret ST damage.


This doesn’t address any of the above concerns.

If this were true, you would’ve have nerfed Augmentation much harder than you have. Not just the damage aspect of it (though it could use massive damage nerfs if you want to keep the utility) or nerf the insane amount of utility they bring.

You’d also nerf utility of other specs, and buff many many other specs (i.e. hunter all around, and shaman utility outside of enhance).

Y’all have lost so much credibility when it comes to players believe you can balance your game. Y’all need to focus on the “monitor player feedback” part.


I still to this day don’t understand how for a team that can’t get class balance right, they somehow thought a Support spec was a bright idea.

They took the almost impossible balance and made it now basically impossible.

You guys clearly don’t want to address the problems, just slamming things with the nerf hammer. Kind of disgusting…


You’re right, but we have 20 years of precedent that class balance will be mediocre at best so expecting it to be better at some point I think becomes a “shame on us”


They aren’t going to be able to balance augment. It would be better for the game to just delete it.


Can’t speak for other healers but I’ve effectively quit playing and I still don’t see any changes to healers that make me care to come back. Not holding my breath for the future either.

But, for those that do still keep at it I wish them all the best and hope they’re able to enjoy the game


They should convert Aug to be a ‘support spec’ the same way Enhancement Shaman is.

think you still forgot to add the augmentation nerf hammer to this post.


Has Blizzard even talked about how they want to actually start balancing the content around having a support role? Because unless content is changed to work along with it, it’s going to keep being the mess it currently is.


They’re always more concerned with the marketing than the game play, when it comes to adding new classes and specs.


No they haven’t, as far as balancing they are treating augmentation as a DPS spec. They have said this in multiple interviews, it is a DPS. Problem is they aren’t balancing it around being a DPS. It still is godly OP and is 3/5th of the exodia meta. Therefore it needs HUGE nerfs to counteract the insane utility they bring, or HUGE nerfs to the utility they bring and have the same damage.

They also need to shift the amount of damage output they do from 30%/70% personal/buffs to 75-85 personal/20-25 buffs, so that the top end of the player base isn’t super high OP (like it is now) and the median isn’t super low. Dratnos had a video that better explained how the skill curve scales exponentially instead of linearly like every other spec in the game.


Nah fam any dumb f with half a brain that rerolled to the overtuned classes and plays 24/7 have the io they would never have otherwise. It literally made anything up to 25s trivial to time. This has been the worst tunning i ever have ever seen since the game launched.

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