Class Tuning Incoming – August 22

I dont play Druid, Mage, Paladin, or Shadow, but I cannot understand how you do not see the issue is dungeon design and utility, not throughput.

Nerfs like this are doing nothing whatsoever in getting more players into higher keys, youre just lowering the ceiling. Address the actual issues and not this nonsense.

Already raid logging until 10.2 since its clear you arent going to address anything thats an actual problem


give hunter PI


they’re probably going to buff the Tier bonus for one of the abilities…so might as well gut/nerf the overall class to push the borrowed power right?

that’s seems to be what they’re doing to these other classes after all!


hard agree

Anyone else starting to find it odd that we keep getting these kinds of tuning things on Friday?


Still nerfing tanks without addressing the actual issue in that other tanks just are not tuned well enough to take damage.

You people are genuinely stupid. At least now we fully understand that this season was entirely a joke and you have no hope.


Hello Blizzard BM hunters still exist and need buffs too…

And M+ dungeons need a nerfs, like 10-20% across the board which is equals to 1-2 key levels to allow players to continue pushing after all recent class nerfs.

Judging by above changes this doesn’t seems to be a case…


I took one look at this post and thought it was April first because this is actually a ****ing joke at this point…


Closely monitoring gameplay data and player feedback results in this singular change?


Still too scared of touching Aug…

Last update you gently caressed them with the nerf pillow.


Imagine designing something and making adjustments to it, for 20 years, only to have some tryhard mouth breather call you names and tell you you are clueless lol because they are an end user and know better

Welcome to WoW general i guess


all the resto druid’s ive talked to have been quite happy with their performance thus far in the patch…

blizzard really does know best, if resto druid’s aren’t getting a buff, it’s because they dont need one.

thank you for your input, though, friend :slight_smile:

No more five killing blows in one ascendance use, sad day indeed.

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You can’t be serious about this right? Unholy is fine damage wise.

Idiotic. Pad damage isn’t what Frost needs.

Idiotic the spec is auto fire damage and this was one way to shut that down. Stop making the game friendly for pve players they should have to set up their go like I do on my classes.

So all I see here are DH/Hunter or Warrior(Fury)/Hunter cleaves tunneling people down with pve damage. Golf clap you all are stupid.

If you’re going to nerf Unholy damage and buff the specs that already crush it and not touch WW monk then un nerf death strike, ams, will of the necropolis.

You all are idiots doing idiot things and it really shows.

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Yeah, you are absolutely clueless.


he doesn’t like me too much…most likely trying to bait me into something, but he’s a harmless one.

we nod and move on

PLEASE FIX THE DRUID CLASS TREE!!! :revolving_hearts:


Druids have done a complete 180 from season 1 to season 2.

Resto use to be S tier and guardian trash now they are completely flipped (although I’d argue resto is better now than guardian was in season 1).


If Blizz wants to copy/paste the PvP 0.1% title maybe teams should be able to lose rating like PvP? :wink:


Whichever member of the Blizzard Professional Clown Squad came up with Aug is probably blocking any meaningful nerfs.


they’re overcomplicating what should be a really simple, and straightforward tree…

The fantasy & role for resto druid has been pretty in a reasonable spot for so long…it’s always had a great framework from the very beginning too…not sure what they’re going for with this…

like every patch seems like they’re just making these random changes that literally nobody is asking for or ends up liking… and never actually addressing the players’ concerns?

I know they had to replace the old Archdruid designing the class…but surely, there’s someone passionate about the class at blizz??