Class Tuning Incoming – August 22

Yeah, as it often is. I imagine Arcane will get an adjustment in some way in the coming weeks, along with hpal, but Fire doesn’t seem to be in a terrible spot.

Though this is often how Mage is, there’s just one spec that does what the other two do better choking out those two.

I don’t think any of us have been asking for damage buffs since we needed proper compensation for the Raz bow nerf. Outside of that, we’ve been fine for damage. We just want a bit more on the defensive side. Maybe increase Survival of the Fittest damage reduction or reduce the time on it? Exhilaration heal for more, or make rejuvenating winds not a talent and instead just give it to Exhilaration?

Oh and give us back Blink Strikes you cowards!

Also why are we bullying mages all of a sudden?

Here fixed these for you:



  • Guardian
    • Ursoc’s Fury buffed back to 60% of damage dealt. Now provides reduced absorbs beyond 5 targets.
    • Blood Frenzy provides reduced rage beyond 5 targets.
    • Innate Resolve’s bonus to Frenzied Regeneration reduced to 120% (was 150%).


  • Augmentation
    • Ebon Might no longer affects tank and heal specced players.
    • Close as Clutchmates back to 40%.


  • Mass Barrier removed, replaced with a talent randomly resets the cooldown of your personal barrier.
  • Fire
    • Fire mage damage nerfs reverted.


  • Holy
    • Blessing of Summer removed.
    • We promise we’ll work on other healers to make them feel this good.


  • Mind Soothe increased to a 2 minute cooldown.

  • Twins of the Sun Priestess removed.

  • Mass Dispel increased to a 2 minute cooldown.

  • Shadow

    • Revert shadow damage nerfs.

This way Bears can’t pull as big and scale as much with target count, Priests cannot trivialize your dungeons, Mages can’t get as much stacking damage, Aug’s aren’t required to make tanking and healing feel ok, and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD MAKE OTHER HEALERS FEEL GOOD TO HEAL M+.

-Signed, a bear tank


We still need more slam buffs for all 3 warrior specs

and the Retribution Paladin buff is where?


This just doubles up as a raid nerf more than a M+ nerf and returns Shadow Priests to a spot where they feel miserable every time their raid leader assigns their PI to someone else.

this fixes nothing

this alsoreverts the good fix you made and thus fixes nothing

this fixes nothing because again you revert the good change by reverting fire dam nerfs


this fixes nothing

all youve done is cap keys at a certain level survivability wise and made fire and shadow feel worse when they are paper/ have to regulate pi to someone else instead of themselves. but atleast you made the god comp oppressive damage wise again. never be a dev

Where are the brewmaster buffs?

Lost in the Twisting Nether with the Havoc buffs.

Buffing MM damage when they already have some of the highest output with middling defensives is a ludicrous decision.

Start playing holy on paladin, nerfed.

Level druid alt, try guardian, nerfed.


Don’t touch mm hunter, at least I got that one.

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This is why I tend to gravitate towards the worst specs on tier lists because at least someday they’ll receive a buff and others that were trash talking my spec are in the gutter for a whole patch or a whole season. Sometimes in the gutter for years.

Hunters have Lust.

Please move to the back of the line.

Any class with a Lust or a Brez will always be picked. To suggest otherwise is to admit you’ve never spent more than 3 minutes scrolling through the gf.

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For clarification… You could buff Outlaw, and Assassination by 35% each and they’re not in the top 5 dps.

5% feels… pathetic.

You realize that EVERY spec is within 10% of each other right now, even crap specs like Assassination are shockingly close. Their KIT, especially for M+, needs DRASTIC work, but the damage they can do, for every spec of every class, is about as close to “balanced” as blizzard has ever gotten.

5% to Assassination will put them in a very good spot for raiding. Their issue is still one of a poorly built tree and issues keeping up AOE damage in M+.

My apologies, I guess I was misunderstood (my bad), I meant that PI would become a self buff only. No more giving it to anyone else. Just a Priest cooldown.

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Bear can’t pull as big due to lacking the rage and healing that scales linearly with target count.

Aug would only buff dps damage, so CaC would have to be adjusted to keep their damage contribution relevent.

Fire loses its group support, PI, Blessing of Summer. At this point would have to be balanced like any other dps that is being supported by an Aug. It should be on an even playing field, and its damage balanced from there.

If you think having Mind Soothe and Mass Dispel on a 2min CD doesn’t massively alter how good priests are in M+… I don’t know what to say to you.

again, all you done was cap keys but kept every spec oppressive damage wise. bear has incarn and other defensives that grant it immortality, it just needs rage pooling to enter pulls

the nerfs to fire was for its baseline strength. it was giga powerful without pi summer and aug, and still remains giga power on baseline strength

again like fire, shadow priest has giga dps behind its bonkers utility. so what md and ms is on a 2 min cd, its now another overpower beat stick and will feel worse to play without twin suns. ms can be replaced by invis pots and MD makes and breaks the keys being played at peak.

Why is it always the same classes and specs in S tier - especially the easier ones to play? Blizzard is notorious for letting their game go untended. There has to be more transparency. Give us more insight on why you make the choices - keep us in the loop a bit more, please. Also, as for gearing this season - its “easier” but no one wants to grind out gear. It’s player vs. Player; not Player vs. Gear. Just make gear cosmetic in PVP, make like six tier sets and two hyper rng from arenas, or Solo Shuffle. If I load up on a character I want a fairshake to win a fight, not against the gear. Lastly, I’m surprised races aren’t cosmetic at this point. I want to see a gnome war, but their always human, or orc.