Class Tuning Incoming – August 22

I would love pew pew spec if they did this

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Firstly im Talking about Pve not PVP,thanks for the laugh though.Now show us on the dummy where the big mean hunters hurt you :rofl: :rofl:

Avatar nerf just seems completely uncalled for

Who’s we?
If you’re going to keep performing these surprise reach arounds I’d like to know who’s doing the reaching.
Also, give our battle res the ability to cast upon an enemy player and res them so they mayest smite thee a 2nd time whilst we watch you die, us feeling incapable of helping you due to the lesser damage output and the overall uncaring feeling towards your character’s survival.

Chaos Bolt for warlocks does NOT need a buff, omg who is in charge of doing this?


bad idea

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PI is more on top but mage is just good without it too. In fact PI got worse for mage in 10.1.5 with the removal of rune of power and the spec shifting to more of a sustained damage profile in AoE and Single Target with higher Combustion uptime.


The extra damage of the Power Infusion should be calculated on the priest exactly as it is done with the Agumentation and adjusted the priest’s dps accordingly

Yeah but “feels good to play” is code speak for “everything is easy”. While I think underperforming healers also need to be addressed, I don’t feel it was an either/or issue. Both need to happen.


If Augvokers buff every class but fire mages get buffed 2x from the same buffs, then the problem isn’t the augvoker lol.

How do you even reach this conclusion? If anything fire gets buffed LESS than other specs because they make no use from prescience’s 3% crit and gain relatively less value from the vers provided by shifting sands due to already stacking vers (Note this is not the same as stat DR).

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Protection warrior, 2 years of shadowlands. Get in line.

LMAO even.
The best thing for this game at this point is for Microsoft to come in and clean house and hire back all the old developers on premium dollar. Put this game to a Steam level review and the Overwhelmingly negative reviews of OW2 would look like a pretty good day compared to how the player base is feeling lately about WoW

Flame strike is literally getting nerfed every week.

In about 2-3 weeks time we’re gonna be back at the point where flame strike is a flat out DPS loss.

They butchered mages so bad with this Augvoker nonsense. Without a premade comp fire mages are barely mid now. And worse of all a lot of these jokers around this forum who’ve never even played mage will still call nerfs justified just because they have no idea how mages perform in PUGS without Augvoker/Spriest vs in them. It’s to the point where it’s night and day now.

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That’s not how it works at all.

Fire mages have a very distinct burst window with their combustion - Augvoker / Spriest sync perfectly with this burst window. Literally the same story as Demo lock for the past however long. And the same reason they butchered Demo lock because of spells from other classes.

Nerfing classes based on external buffs by other classes is an absolutely horrible thing to do and the fact that Blizzard is still doing it speaks to the incompetence of the dev team right now.


Nothing changes.

Augvoker still exists. Mass dispel still mandatory. Just makes people playing these specs feel bad.

It’s political. It’s several levels away from any real data driven changes, at this point we’re just nerfing what’s popular because it’s popular. Until you address the actual problem (Augvoker, PI, mass dispel, group wide defensives from dps) nothing will change. We need more support or we need less support. We don’t need to back our asses back into a hybrid tax.

Imagine tuning something for 20 years and still not getting it right.


I would be fine with this honestly, like there are numerous other classes that can effectively do the same thing lore wise if you think about it.

So it is a problem with fire mages and how they are designed and not with augvoker, like I said.

And just like you believe fire shouldn’t be nerfed because of evokers, augvokers and pi shouldnt be nerfed because fire mage is an issue

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I actually argue that PI needs to be nerfed or completely removed. Demo should not be garbage tier and reliant on another spec to derive its power.

Augvoker is not how you’re making it out to be. It definitely empowers other classes just like it does to fire mage. Enhance for example can easily out-DPS fire on smaller pull dungeons. Arms warrior is another hidden OP with Augvoker.

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