Class Tuning in Progress -- January 12

Truth is, Frost Mage is for PvP and has been for years. They are so worried about unbalancing PvP they aren’t going to buff Frost. It’s sad but true. If you raid or M+ frost isn’t your spec.

A boost to AOE would make them more useful in dungeons. SL dungeon bosses are all pretty mechanic based and you don’t need tons of DPS for them in most cases. At least not at the levels I’ve seen so far. Most wipes are trash wipes these days.

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All 3 Warlock Specs have major issues.


Nothing for Mistweavers - lol GG blizz.

*I don’t even play Mist but c’mon man

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We have 3 Warlocks in our guild, so I’m hearing all about it. On the bright side we always have a TV to get people into raid and no shortage of green cookies.


Been destro from start only played affliction in LK for pvp .So there has been a few xpacs my lock did not raid at all . I am lucky only one willing to play lock in guild .

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Someone is joking right? Who the hell works as class designer and tester. Survival hunter desperately needs some buffs , and damage increase yet its never addressed at all? Seriously?


Where is the tuning for Fire Mages, MM Hunters, and Balance Druids?? These specs are out of control in M+. They bring insane damage and utility while being able to ignore most mechanics due to being ranged.

This isn’t enough by a long shot. Even if the DR change was enough, which it probably isn’t, Blood DK still suffers from mobility and damage issues that makes it far less desirable as a tank.

A 2% buff for 2H Frost is laughable. It also has a multitude of other problems that players have been pointing out since beta:

  • Killing Machine procs are far too low compared to dual wielding.
  • It suffers from not having access to both Fallen Crusader and Razorice enchants.
  • Base AoE/cleave kit is anemic and can’t be meaningfully improved via talents.

Hopefully, this is part one of a more comprehensive list of class tuning changes that happens over time.

For Assassination rogue, we dont have enough energy to use envenom. We need to keep RUPTURE, GARROTE AND SLICE AND DICE, there is no enough energy to use envenom. Dmg is not the problem. 8% dmg buff is useless.:frowning:

either buff our energy regen but 20% or our damage by 20%

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I told my wife to buy Obscuring Mists potions for levels 16 and 17 and skip to the boss. I worked. She still had about 70+ anima buffs for the mini-bosses and boss and had no trouble with the take down.
It doesn’t solve the issue, but it is a viable work-around until Blizz pulls their heads out of their asses. Just sharing, not arguing with your point.

Yeah I think this is just careful buffing. They never want to go too far apparently in buffing so they wait and nudge a bit and see how it goes. We’ll probably see another buff but it might take another few weeks I guess.

Is there some secret Destro build the devs aren’t telling us about that’s the reason why that spec isn’t getting the living daylights buffed out of it?


Gimme them demo lock buffs guys

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Yeah Destro still feels SUPER bad even after the CB buff. It’s really sad that we are still losing to Aff in 2 target cleave by a huge margin. the #1 Destro lock is ranked #1201 on Mythic Huntsman for all Warlock specs, IMO that just shouldn’t be with how Destro is designed.

I’m really praying for an aura buff to Destro getting announced later this week…


BM and Survival have scored very low in both pvp and pve this expansion.


Blizz fix pvp


What classes have zero playable specs?

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Fire is dominant in arenas / pvp as well as pve. Frost had pretty much disappeared outside a very few niche uses for pvp in rated BGs. Damage matters in pvp too. Frost mage like Fury Warrior was pretty much a dead spec in all parts of the game. I am not sure that 9% will even help much at this point.