Class Tuning in Progress -- January 12

No, its just what most the devs are maining this expac

With this original post in mind, I made the mistake of running my fury warrior through Torghast (layer 1 to finish information found.)

Yes, there needs to be a damage increase, but the problems run much deeper than that. The cooldowns are all off, the rage use isn’t balanced. Going deeper, the rotation is more complicated than it needs to be for a beat-them-up class. In short, the spec has turned into a patchwork mess.

I was hoping this run would persuade me to give my warrior another chance. It made my antipathy worse. (If only there were a way to auction her off in the AH :grinning: )

Edit: After a little more thought and play, I think I know what’s going on. I suspect that for most classes and specs, the squish was pretty much just cutting things in half with some tweaks. However, I suspect that several classes/specs and even mobs, had non-linear damage given/received curves that had been refined over the years. Simply increasing damage doesn’t fix the underlying problem.

blizz 8% is not enough, you would know this if you actually do the testing instead of telling us that you are testing when in reality you aren’t doing anything.


Blizz… how about 20% boneshield gain and another 20% flat armor. Would make them in line.


8/10 actually but it doesn’t matter since I think every spec aside from frost and assas is useable in heroic.

Fury buffs! Finally, thank you.

Doctor, my right arm is hurting like hell whenever I use it.
Switch to being left-handed, next please.


You cannot be serious. That isn’t going to fix anything.

Frost will be and continue to be bottom-of-the-barrel spec for Mages (heck, out of all the specs in-game) even with this “buff”.


So Fury will have had a 13% buff since launch… how in the hell was the state we were in allowed to go live, yeesh.

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This 2% - 2 hand frost buff is some high quality trolling by Blizzard


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It’s a bad buff that is negligible at best, insulting at worst. “2% while a two-handed weapon is equipped.” That is a joke of a buff and you know it.


This is true, but even then. It isn’t even a DW vs. 2H thing. The entire spec needs a buff and a good place to start would be reverting either the PoF nerfs or Obliterate damage nerfs from pre-patch. Both of them were short-sighted changes and I fail to see how they even thought that this was an acceptable balancing update.


These changes do not address the issues with the specs they are attempting to help.

They do help though, so don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

Edit: Other than the 2h frost buff. That is just some grade A hilarity.

Been on the bench this whole tier. People ask me why I’m BM everytime I join a m+ grp even tho I’m doing same or more overalls as most mediocre MM hunters.

Buff BM ffs and nerf MM even if it’s by 1% idc to Change community perception ppl are hella stupid


Oh there we go, DK blood buffs, called it <3

Still not enough as we’re capped at 5 targets… how fair is it for DH and Palas to outDPS you so effortlessly. permanent aoe unlike DnD, permanent cleave…


I swear, most people won’t be happy until their spec is on top.

Then of course, those specs will be cried about for nerfs.

Game’ll never be fully balanced. Get used to it.

You know, even if you buffed frost mages and DK by 30%, they’ll still be around the middle of the DPS
And Survival Hunter, when? check logs, no one plays Survival, like less than 1% of hunters, and DK frost is just useless. Worse single target, worse aoe, worse CC… why frost when Unholy has everything better? Even baseline abilities like DnD, corpse explosion or death coil are buffed by Unholy Mastery, but frost mastery? nothing… just sad
2% ain’t gotta do anything, Obliterate still hits like a wet noodle without festering wounds like Festering Strike, that does the same dmg by the way

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yes but you can’t retail wow looking like Vanilla, with only a few specs viable. Survival Hunter? Assa rogue? Frost DK? Demo warlock? completely useless

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Quick FYI.

DH’s only have one DPS Spec
You removed our survivability,
You removed our damage,
You removed our PVP Potential
You gave us rng legendaries that are a joke,

But worst of all

You removed our viability in group content stagnanting our progression in Shadowlands.

While all other classes have other specs to fall back on.

We don’t.


No, but the sheer amount of complaining is just insane.

No one is ever happy. And the instant they’re made competitive, someone’s gonna get killed by one or outdps’d by one and whine for nerfs.

It’s ridiculous.

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