Sure would be nice if the MW monk had a battle res. Take away one of the other 50 buttons you give them.
I’m not the most charming person. I don’t need another reason to not get invited. People really hesitate or don’t choose a monk healer, because we don’t have a battle res. I really don’t want another button to push, but I would rather it not be a reason to not get invited. Maybe a little mana regen passive greater than others.
Icy veins has a good reputation for posting things that are real? I would like to think so. I mean I always knew I sucked at M+ even though I knew the mechanics but…
These are nice, but now Frost should be about on par with Fire which means Arcane is going to lag behind in raids by a large margin. Arcane still has to give up Shimmer for Slipstream which means mobility to avoid mechanics is a lot worst, which leads to losing damage a lot of times during a fight, not to mention that to reach the peak damage increase as Arcane you need to do Clear Casting fishing which is counter-intuitive to Overpowered’s 50% mana cost decrease which makes the spec a hell of a lot clunkier than it needs to be.
I understand this is a simple tuning patch, but now Frost was resurrected and the cost was killing Arcane…
There will always be specs at the bottom and someone always plays em. That’ll never change. How big is the difference between #1 and the last spot? I guess it depends on what content, like a raid boss or m+. Some exceed at big AE fights while others do well on single target.
So what? Some people being more likely to drag down their raid teams as well as have some next level of mental fortitude to not get angry seeing your DPS being lower than the other two specs on your class despite you trying your best a good design? No.
Sure, Arcane is great at AoE, on par with Fire on pugs, but guess what, Fire has on demand uncapped AoE which makes them perfect for coordinated groups while Frost now will have roughly the same damage as Fire with the addition of giving slows to your enemies which gives tank specs that can’t kite properly such as Prot Paladins an advantage during M+s.
What is Arcane left with? An execute phase based on legendary? If this spec is supposed to be the “AoE spec” of the class, since we clearly falter at ST, than why would the other two give better advantages? Arcane will lag behind, that’s the simple truth of it. You don’t have to be a Mythic Raider to realize how much self-handicapping sucks when you are trying to run raids and dungeons.
I really wish the public knew how bad this would be before we spent cash on Expansion, 6 month sub, tons of pets and mounts, what a total letdown this has been. Havoc was given a 5% buff because a hero class doing last on dps was shocking enough then our survivability stripped away. A Hero Class near the bottom of the list for DPS, thats all we have is our DPS and self heal and we got and was taken away when all we needed was a slight tuning.
After the Huge 5% buff"Sarcasm" we were promised it would be further looked into for more buffs,I see we are still laughable and no incoming buffs. I feel like Blizz has slapped us all in the face for releasing this expansion with many players OP and many nerfed into the ground, no real class balance, everything time gated,PVP Progression a joke, PVE rewards a joke, what the hell are players supposed to be happy about? Oh yeah the 5% buff you gave Havoc and NOTHING ELSE and we still SUCK! Are we going to have to protest with our Wallets or will you respond to us and at least let us know if you have ANY INTENTIONS of fixing our class? I have played since the very beginning and this has to be the biggest flop I have ever seen, no wonder people have been unsubbing.