Class Tuning in Progress -- January 12

I find most of these buffs almost entirely meaningless when you compare them to things like… Marksmanship Hunter and Unholy Death Knight. There’s just no point in bringing any of these classes with the setups that are being “buffed”, over the previously mentioned classes, especially with how powerful Battle Resurrects are, and the damage output they do comparatively. For example: Equal Skill Level MM Hunter vs Fury Warrior, MM at 180 iLVL and Fury at 200 iLVL, the MM Hunter would likely still Out-DPS the Fury Warrior.
Don’t get me wrong these buffs are a step in the right direction, but do something worth a crap. Stop with this, “We’re going to make very minor changes early on in the Expansion.” An Unholy Death Knight can literally spam one-button after applying just a few minor things and out-DPS 95% of players with a 30 iLVL disadvantage vs other players.

My personal opinion would be to nerf things that are clearly extremely powerful, borderline broken, and then worry about buffing things.

For example:

  • Condemn in Torghast. I’ve personally pushed 1.5M DPS in Torghast Twisting Corridors, while 85-87% of my Damage output was PURELY Condemn. Layer 6 Torghast, Floor 18 Boss dead in less than 10 seconds, which was because everything buffing my damage lasted long enough to where none of it ever ran out. Sure it’s hilarious, but there’s next to no challenge whatsoever, especially vs Melee Bosses where I can have Die By The Sword up for the entire fight 100x over (not joking, longest I’ve had it last is 2 hours).

Another example:

  • Epidemic from Unholy Death Knights, this thing allows them to do unprecedented AoE compared to virtually any other class. It’s another “kill the challenge” of any AoE pull in M+.

Point is, determine where the actual severely overpowered things are, nerf those to get them in tune with the classes in the middle of the pack, THEN buff the classes at the bottom of the pack so they’re in tune with the ones in the middle at least.

Ok, what does anything of this have to do with not dumping your Paladin problem unto Death Knights ?

Buff Necrolord, and now I’m stuck going Necrolord. Enjoy being a Kyrian (why aren’t you Venthyr anyhow ? Better for Ret).

I tried playing it after the squish… even with all of my BFA traits it was horrible to play which is why I switched specs to Sub… but even that is pretty meh. I seriously hate the SnD upkeep.

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I thought the exact same thing.

What kind of nonsense is this? If you buff Primordial wave for DPS and leave it alone for resto (shaman stuff,) and not touch ANY other class/spec either, then all you’ve done is elevate a bad covenant choice. (For the record, there are ways to use Primordial wave as a DPS shammy…I’m merely using it as an example due to my first impression while leveling.)

Well he’s talking about abilities. Don’t change the argument to suit your narrative.

All that said, I do prefer non-borrowed power, so I’m down for something similar to this…

i’d love to heal on my mistweaver without going oom in 3 minutes.


Considering Locks are also one of the class that most commonly run the pod, please by all means remove it.

It would be nice if healers other than shaman were desired in all content.

More damage is always nice but that doesn’t address the the fact that 2handers only get 1 rune.

There needs to be either special runes for 2handers, that are on par with Dual Wield having 2 runes, or let 2handers forge 2 runes onto their 2hander.

The runes are still a big deal unless they figure out that either razorice or crusader can be fit into something else only for frost dks there might not be balance after all one will come on top…

As silly it sounds I’m tempted to play my dk alt and try the “2%” buff…

demo lock does okay, but im always getting out dps by other classes pretty much all the time. I always get out dps by frost mages. So I find it weird that frost mages are getting buffed when they already do more dps than me, yet no buffs for demo locks…

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Agreed. I’d actually heal on my monk if it was viable. But blizz screwed them over this expac.

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Just keep the tourney realm on the current patch. Problem solved

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The hunt needs to be nerfed. That one shot is ridiculous lol

2% buff to 2H Frost DK.

I’m done. I am absolutely done. Been playing since 2006 and this is the straw. The disrespect of the community is a new low.


Destruction gets no help? :roll_eyes:

Please, give me another 1.5-2 sec fully kickable/counterspellable cast to get away and “create separation” …that will totally fix our pvp balance! (Satire)

Assassination is going to need a lot more than that. Someone clearly botched the numbers HARD with it.

try being a paladin thats NOT a kyrian, you will appreciate what you have

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And Holy priest untouched. The “no utility pure HPS healer” HPSing worse than utility healers are fine to blizzard. What a joke lmao. Then ppl question why is so hard to find a healer and a tank on pugs and LFG. No love for that specs.

uh no people dont wonder why and thats not the reason lol