Class Tuning in Progress -- January 12

The assassination buff is not as good as it seems. Majority of damage is white because the emphasis on SnD :frowning:

I guess blizz is done balancing PvP?

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On raider dummy tests, I’m still about 12% ahead of fury as arms. Surprise surprise the fury buff did next to nothing.

MW is Blizzards thumb twiddle spec. I’ll quit before reroll main, we are supposed to be living the #omlife but they gave us the @oomlife. @kaivax can you pls read this louder? MW’s are losing their chill bruh.

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Can we get some Havoc tuning please? 213 ilvl 930 raiderio here and I get insta denied and responses of “Sorry Demon Hunter’s damage is to low” when applying for 12+ keys. Kinda sucks I can’t progress in the game, especially given that raid barely gives any loot. A 15 to 25% gap in dps classes is not balanced.

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Still waiting on warlock buffs, the least DPS class in the game. But go ahead, keep buffing others I guess.

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Anybody home?

Blizzard, it’s obvious there are problems. It’s even worse that your player base is on the forums pleading for you to do something. You pretty much have peopel workign for free on the forums coming up with great ideas and fixes to improve your game. We all pay a monthly fee so the game can be look after have have regular balancing updates. So lets get what we pay for here.


This is so frustrating that Blizz does not even acknowledge its PAYING CUSTOMERS that want simple answers whether we like the answer we get or not, at least communicate so we can chose to stick with our gimped classed Blizz messes up or not. Its not too much to ask for yes or no answers that take seconds to type just out of customer courtesy. I know many businesses would not survive if they ran their customer service this way, employees would be fired and replaced, and at the least customers will move elsewhere.

Many of us after buying this expansion found out our classes were NERFED INTO THE GROUND TO USELESSNESS, will not be invited to groups,rated PVP, RAIDS BECAUSE OUR CLASSES ARE SO GIMPED. Many of us are trying to be patient hoping Blizz fixes these balance issues in PVP and bringing up the classes that were way overnerfed yet we hear NOTHING. How many days should we remain patient without any response from a company that continues to take our money? This is the last straw for many of us, IDK who the new leadership is at Blizzard but you best get your heads focused to where they need to be before their is a mass exodus of players leaving, this is not ok how we are being treated as customers. I know the older Bliz had its problems but at least they TRIED, and cared, seems like this new leadership can care less about its players/customers


My guess is that if Blizzard doesn’t address class balance Shadowlands might lose 25% - 50% of the subs. I am questioning why I continue to play already. We hear over and over again “we want player choice to matter.” What is the biggest choice a player makes? The class and spec they play. Not Covenants, not Horde or Alliance, not race. The class and spec they want to play.


class balance is a problem yes but not the main problem.
the main problem is that the whole game is a chore, World Of Timegate.
People are already insanely bored, fixing class balance wont change much, its already too late.

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They’re amazing in both maybe he just hasn’t touched that spec since MoP?

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Imagine comparing a %20 healing pot to a freaking self ress, people like you don’t use your brains often huh? If you have one.

breaking news:

fury warrior buff wasnt enough :slight_smile:

I love how you talk about everything but broken Paladins, way to be biased lol.

WW is crazy good in pvp and Pve do you even play your class? People need to stop with the biased crap. You’re running serenity and using keefers sky reach over Whirling dragon punch and invokers delight, maybe you just don’t know your class.

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If you have a position Sir, Id gladly discuss it? Ad Hominem does not strengthen your comment…

You’re comparing a %20 healing pot that removes curses and diseases that’s on a 3 min cd to a literal self ress. Self Ressing should never be a thing in arenas and the fact that blizzard blocks out any Cd ability over 5 minutes ( LOH, Army of the Undead, Shaman self ress etc) but make an acception for any night fae player running podtender which is a 10 min cd ?. You can defend that broken mess all you want to, I’ve noticed the usual ones
Including yourself defending it are night fae and run it themselves so obviously you’re going to be biased no matter what. If you die in arenas you should stay dead and that’s that, you don’t deserve a second chance.

It removes bleeds thats the big thing, and its a cheat death mechanic many classes already have one if talented.