It’s literally astonishing the idiocy of these developers, or leads who have final say…
You have DOZENS of multiple R1 PvPers on multiple classes, making videos, and telling you there’s issues, but hey… let’s ignore them and focus only on PvE content we literally have to force you to do because it’s so bad.
Can you guys Maybe nerf Nightfae instead of just aimed shot and arcane shot? NF is out preforming the others because of an interaction with Serpent sting legendary and wild spirits. I thought you guys were gonna balance around covenants rather than nerfing an entire spec. And for pvp, We’ve already been hit with a big nerf. Do what yall did with arms and buff the damage by 5% in pvp atleast. Hunters have bad defensives and a lot of set up. Unless you’re paired with an Arms warrior, Sub rogue or WW monk GL getting that setup. Meanwhile WW Sub and arms, Prot paladins etc. Are destroying people and being unkillable. Wtf is going on
Lol stop trolling or making comments on “seeming fine” based on your own raids or dungeon experiences. Tuning changes are made across the board for everyone playing the game. Not just your guild. Therefore the decisions should be based on the broader community. You want to see what’s wrong with mages or specifically frost, pop over to warcraftlogs
You could buff the bottom 3 or 4 classes 10 or 15% and still be 10 or 15% behind the top. A 5% buff is basically laughing in their faces.
Also, Necro covenant abilities are EXTREMLY underwhelming in almost all but 2 or 3 specs. Yet nothing is being done to fix that, and I mean they are really bad.
Can we finally get a damage buff for Guardian Druids? There’s no reason to play them right now, it takes ages to kill anything. Prot Paladins are massively OP right now especially compared to Guardians.
5% buff to the bottom classes like Havoc will do NOTHING but irritate people. Many of us have seen what happens when you don’t get your class fixed immediately, you get screwed, end up waiting months, years and sometimes it just never happens. All while we are paying for a game hoping the Developers will fix properly. IDK what’s happened to Bliz but this looks like a big cluster and many many people are pissed off. I really hope Blizz puts real effort in doing this in a timely manner for all the classes that need buffs or tuning of some sort in a fair way. Everyday that someones toon is gimped, not invited to rated PVP, Raids, Groups, because of something that’s not in our control, but the Developers control causes a great Tidal Wave of anger, resentment and people will eventually protest with their wallets if their voice is not being heard
Still waiting to see the glorious meteor of sub rogue nerfs in the sky. Coming crashing down to earth. The children seeing it and pointing and smiling and laughing as they play in the yard.
Which amounts to like a 7-8% DPS nerf if you’re SUPER Mastery-stacked.
It’s roughly a 350 DPS nerf relative to a class that is simming for well over 5k single-target, at the highest end of currently-attainable gear.
Folks, the class is very much a top five spec even after this nerf and it’s probably in a better spot relative to its competition after this because two of its three most direct competitors also got nerfs.
Any word on Frost Mages? I know a bunch of Frost Mages that went Venthyr who very, very quickly regretted their decisions as soon as they started trying to make the spec work in a raid environment and rerolled entirely or ended up having to gear up for Fire and switch to Night Fae on the fly because it’s the least-bad Mage spec outside of weird Arcane cheese on specific fights.