Class Tuning in Progress -- Dec. 15

Agreed. The fact that they admitted they don’t wanna tune too much due to the mythic race means they are choosing to satisfy 1% of their customers than the other 99%. Some people want to play certain specs or classes. They don’t want to be #1, they just want to be viable. Those people should not have to wait FOUR WEEKS for their classes or specs to made viable enough for high m+ or mythic raids or whatever it is they want to do JUST BECAUSE LImit and friends want a stable and predictable mythic race…


Look we both now that 5% won’t be enough for Assassination and Havoc, so why make us wait week after weak while you add 5% increments. We don’t want to wait until next year…


I think this tuning pass is Blizzard letting their intentions known. If your spec got a increase, then it means they’re not happy were the spec is on the totem pole. If you got no attention, then they’re happy. Someone’s gotta be on the bottom. RIP survival hunters, feral…etc

I love how every expansion, every patch, and every change that players do not like, they threaten to quit. No need to threaten, just quit. At this point Blizzard has heard this argument so many times over and over, they don’t care because the game is still active and still going.

Blizzard is going to develop their game how they want. It will fit some players and other players will hate it, but that’s how it goes.

You can’t please everyone and class balancing will shift with different tops and bottoms. Unfortunately this is not a utopia where everyone is equal or even within a certain percentage of each other. That’s how it is and has been for over a decade in this game.

You are free to voice your opinion and your stance, but always keep in mind, it doesn’t amount to much at this point in the games longevity.

TL;DR - Always a quit post each patch, each patch will have different class rankings, and who cares after 16 years of this game? You’re still here…


Yeah it isn’t like they are a multi-billion dollar megacorp that had the best part of a year to get their house in order.

Oh wait.

Meanwhile my team during a full state lockdown managed to move an entire surgical training platform online. On time, on target and meeting all the governmental regulations and the like. Call me what you like but I am so damn sick of people using COVID as an excuse nearly 12 months after the fact. The rest of the IT industry adapted. Most of the rest of the world adapted. But for some reason game devs get a free pass because working from home is hard?

Get the hell out of here with that rubbish.


WoW Devs maining Kyrian sub rogues, quite obvious


Ret pally does abysmal single target damage right now in raid. Could use a buff.

For example, in PvP, we’re looking into specializations that may have some high-damage conditions.

imagine being this much of a corporate lawyer speak simp

Well if you’re in the medical field then my hats of to you but not every company is the same. Now ff 14 did a lot better with COVID and released really good content. My point is it wasn’t a normal release by any means. There are riots around the world over various things people are stir crazy and with everything on their minds they might not be preforming at optimal levels. Not to mention activison probably didn’t help anything. Making an expansion is a lot different than IT on top of that. Everyone has gone through something this year give them a break. I’m not 100% happy with the state of shadowlands but at least we moved past bfa. Wow is in a decline sure, will they fix it I hope so.

DH’s learning just like DK’s did that Druid are the true Hero Class, they can do every spec & excel at all of them. They are pretty damn good in PVP at the moment too, as usual.

So I just came back about a month ago after a 7 year hiatus, and I have a question…

Are literally all my abilities (aside from Glaive Tempest) supposed to suck this hard?

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22% buff to CB wont do anything for us, destro locks.

While leveling my Warlock, Chaos Bolt is cast pretty damn regularly and often comprises ~25-30% of my total damage. An extra 22% seems like it’ll be a pretty big deal.

Fury needs much more than a 5% buff. Start with 10% and see how it goes. Our ST DPS is trash, even more so because almost every major Boss fight is horrible for melee DPS. Particularly warriors who need some time to ramp up the DPS because we are waiting for procs. Lots of high movement fights/mechanics that cause melee to have to move constantly.

In addition, if we didnt have our covenant ability “Condemn” we would be doing less DPS than some tank specs. I can’t even imagine how the Fury or Arms warriors feel who didn’t pick Venthyr. I remember Blizz Nerfed our Rampage by like 30% just a week or so before launch because they thought we were doing too much damage. Well…i think if we got that back we would still only be slightly higher than average DPS. That’s how bad we’re gimped at the moment. The only content we do decent in is M+ because we have good cleave, only if you have Condemn though. Again, i feel sorry for the warriors who chose something other than Venthyr.


Already been simmed, it won’t do anything pretty much.
I’m talking about serious raiding here, not killing random mobs while leveling.

Destro is ABYSMAL in raids.

Also, gotta agree with the warriors, 5% for fury won’t do much either.
There is a lot of raiders that are passionate about the spec they play that might get benched.

Im leveling my hunter because i simply don’t enjoy affliction in any way, and i dont want to play it.


BM Hunter AOE is really sad compared to MM, and even honestly Survival. Kill Command feels weaker to use than cobra shot in many cases. And our best in slot legendary is hot t r a s h, literally.


Oh thank god!

When assassination is 20%++ behind balance druids right now…don’t think that’s enough at all.


Frost is 3rd lowest dps spec lol.

How bad should a spec he before buffs?


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