Class Tuning in Progress -- Dec. 15

Kinda wish Blizz would allow Judgment to generate Holy Power for holy. That would solve most of the “clunky” issues with the spec, since many fights are very mobile and paladins lack mobility as is. Having to move means not being able to CS for HoPo - FoL hits like a wet noodle and HL takes too long to cast; movement heavy fights mean we can’t cast these anyway or we risk dying to mechanics - so Judgment granting HoPo is really the only way to allow hpals to continue generating HoPo while on the move.

This is a suggestion that literally every holy paladin on the forums has made. It’s very frustrating to see an entire community of players being ignored, even though it’s not really unexpected.

You can’t pass 2k dps? Our frost mage is closer to 3k than 2k. Typical classic andy, only knows how to spam frost bolt. There’s your problem

Yep that’s the new dev team for you, lazy tuning.

In raids I can get about 2.3-2.5. M2-4 I get about 2.7-2.9. M5+ I’m about 1.9-2.4. Where the lie at? Frost Mages are trash right now.


UH DKs are doing well, but they aren’t top… Generally MM Hunter, Spriest, Balance Druid are still ahead of them. They are about equal with some other classes. I don’t think they needed a nerf THIS hard.

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5% isn’t going to do anything for Fury. If you are genuinely trying to make an impact with this change then it will have to compensate for a bit more than that.


I like going from 100% HP to 0% HP while perma stunned by a sub rogue as veng DH in spikes and meta, same ilvl too (I checked thanks to → wow armory) …sub rogues arent broken at all :clown_face:

Frost what? Mage or DK? Because both are trash lmao


I don’t see 5% being enough to make Havoc competitive.

I’d like to see PvP balanced around BG’s instead of the Arena. Fewer people play the Arena. Also, vehicular PvP instances can just go away. Nobody spends hours of their lives building / gearing a character to drive a stupid tank instead. All of the vehicle based BG’s are actually garbage. Let people blacklist BG’s again.

Blizzard: What?! Unholy DK is S-Tier?! Ho, ho, ho! Not in my Death themed xpac!


Sure am glad I swapped mains for this xpac to Frost mage hoping it would be viable. With the Covenant, leggo choices, etc. the disparity between top and bottom classes is astounding.

Nobody is going to care about the 3.7 million copies sold at launch if you lose half of the subscriptions before the end of a quarter due to inability to close the gap.

How the heck is Frost and Arcane not on the list for this weeks balance tuning? A PURE DPS class should never be at the bottom. Forcing people to switch mains and pigeon hole them into classes that aren’t their preferred class / spec in order to is the fastest way to start losing subs/ revenue.


Also Blizz: Oh Frost Mages need a buff? No they don’t they have Slows.


I guess the disparity between some covenant abilities aren’t a problem. How funny. Can you atleast make it easy to switch?

Vengz Theory
Ret paladin changes I would consider.

reducing the damage of Divine Toll by another 10% and take a look at the conduit called “Ringing Clarity” and rather then hitting 3 times at a 40% chance just make it hit 2 times for 100% and possibly up the time of the cooldown by additional 30secs.

  • Final Reckoning I would reduce holy power down to 25% increased holy damage but put it on a 30sec cd and remove it’s passive effect and reduce it’s damage 10%.

Make ret Aura’s passive again it’s honestly clunky and doesn’t feel good. I can guarantee most paladins agree its not fun…Press it at the start of X objective. The aura’s are another reason to bring at least 1 paladin to a event/raid/pvp.

  • OR
    Make aura’s more meaningful to swap while in fights.
    Give us back **Sanctity Aura or also give us our slow aura back so we can slow by swapping aura’s again if this must be how it is.

Remove lay on hands and replace with a new ability that give us a 25% instant heal and 6sec speed boost as defensive but make it a 1.5sec cast ability for the paladin or teammates for arena but nerf divine shield to make it so we do 50% less damage while it’s used and same goes for Blessing of Protection make it only reduce damage by 75% melee reduction complete invariability is just not fair and is not okay In my opinion.

  • I personally think Hands of Freedom pvp talent Unbound freedom needs to just be a base line addition to the ability itself and removed as a pvp talent.

Might seem like I requested nerfs for ret but at the sake of being given more mobility is a fair trade off even if you have to also nerf Executions sentence & remove hand of hinderance Ret’s need stable mobility to perform better as well kite. Specially with how much more mobility most melee have now.

  • MOST REQUESTED RET PALADIN CHANGE > give us back Long Arm of the Law It was a very nice boost to our mobility even if it requires to nerf Steed I’m in favor of it. (make it a pvp talent at the very least)


I’m just some random scrub that’s played the game off and on for 13 years but this is just my opinion of what I would love to see Rets turn into. I value the people who took the time to read it all and give feedback.

Condemn and Enrage should never even have been touched for Fury warrior, would make it still top 10 but not over powered.


For resto shaman it’s Necrolord then Venthyr as most useful, fleshcraft has its uses.

Im just dumping my warrior because clearly 5 percent aint gonna cut it. Its almost like giving us an “attaboy”. Beyond tonedeaf


someone has to be bottom, why not DH’s

This is what happens when you release an expansion before it’s ready.

You’re going to have to wait until 10.1 before frost mage gets fixed, a well as other classes/specs.


Why do you assume they are broken and need fixed. Maybe they are RIGHT where Blizzard wants them.