Class Tuning Coming June 28

See, this is the kind of stuff that makes me leery of future expansions. Like, yall do realize that you released 9.2 4 months ago, right?

depends on what you do.

I do casual pvp.

even had a nice turtle in av. no sarcasm
the whole new speed race meta I do not like. I like turtles now. I do not like being on SHB team (use a horde char example), killing npcs, wait for fire in case of backcap, run to north and as I get to the bridge
victory or defeat. wth?..

I get 5 forms of crud on me. pop the lego craven.

5 more forms of crud in a second or 2.

NOw where I did find it useful was in a WG later. Barely made it to teleport pad to get get back in keep.

I’d have died from dots if I didn’t pop it. well within cd limits so I am good. Dotters wanting kills that bad need to git gud. and coordinate with their rogues better.

they dot, their rogue stun locks em. 1 dead hunter. who is also frustrated with stunlock. so you get that morbid pleasure if your thing.

guess this was an arena thing but based on solo qeueue runs
I was never living in fear of dots there.

either a plater was stomping my butt when pinned down.

or the other team lacked coordination. they dotted me
but they killed someone else on my team. they could have shaved a few seconds killing that weaker link lol.

I will keep it. its useful still to me.

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Better late than never I guess for warlocks.
That’s a pretty good patch but this should have been done like in the first weeks.

Even blood dks nerf was pretty late, but I guess we’re so far that now it’s not as bad to do some considering warlocks were doing double dps than some dps.

This should help decently the meta for M+ while not destroying totally warlocks. Also did Affliction need a buff when demo and destruction are so strong? xd The spec is partly behind because top players aren’t playing it so it might become top 5 if people switch with the buff.

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Should have allowed this to stay the same for SV. While it needed to be nerfed, SV has grown pretty reliant on it.

Why didn’t you fix sepsis?


Rapid fire also needs to be adjusted. Damage is too high. The time you need to react is just to unforgiving.


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The blood dk nerf was still huge (about 1k+ dps nerf, 5-10% survivability), what they wanted to do at first was completely break the current spec (about 50% dps nerf/50% survivability nerf) and was stupid, you just can’t defend it. The main reason they’re so strong is the jailer weapon being available to them but prot warriors and prot pal still do more damage than them in raid now. As for balance, it’s normal for dks to be played a lot when they’re strong, they’re the spec that most tanks like and the meta is more fun for them when blood dks are strong.

I am very sad when I saw the way blizzard nerfing the destro lock by changing the core mechanism of it. I know that destro warlock is performing too good comparing to other class but I don’t think that’s the reason blizzard making changing the way of playing it. I spent the whole season from beginning to now used to destro lock’s skill and his resource gaining speed and so on and now everything are going to be different
 It really give me negative game experience
 Personally, I don’t like the way blizzard balancing all the classes. For example, balance Druids and shadow priests are disappeared in 23+ mythic dungeon, at least I never seen one. Why is this happening? It’s100% not balance and it’s unfair for those Druid or priest players. My friend, a balance player has been afked for months and came backed today. His gear level is 276 with 4 pieces (2700io) but it took he half hour to get in a m15. All I want to say is I know and I understand that Blizzard are trying to balance the classes but the direction is wrong. As a warlock player I can accept nerfing lock’s damage but I can’t accept changing the core mechanism. And of course, if this change happens in the beginning of season I will accept it too


Do you people hate mages or something? You nerf frost into the ground, you don’t care about arcane, fire is not as OP as you people think. Stop messing with mages they are by far the least of your worries not to mention all three mage specs are underperforming in raid logs. And now you crush them some more in pvp. At least you nerfed destro locks, only took a year

limb untouched

disc untouched (almost impossible to heal into certain comps as it atm)

demo untouched

1 rogue ability change out of the 90 they have that are ridiculous

no blessing of summer pvp changes

no fixing gimmicky 1 shot comps

cool dude

So Shadow priest has half the AOE of all 3 warlock specs ATM. Even after the AOE nerf to destro.

And now all 3 warlock specs will also beat shadow priest in single target.

shadow has no AOE. Shadow has no utility. Shadow is about 12th best in the game for single target.

Please make shadow playable


Why? Fury is getting nerfed to the ground, again


Well you have to admit something, Blizzard listened to the community
 after several months but they listened to us

(Does my sarcasm show?)
But seriously, there are several videos, tweets, forum threads, etc. They cannot read them or try the classes (that is, try their own game) to see or notice the weakness that each one has (for a long time, such as the Warlock Affli among others)

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Thank you Devs. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank youuuuuuuuuu :smiley:

And, before everyone freaks out, it was the AoE build that was broken, not the single target build. Destro single target is garbo.

Oh, I’m super late to this thread
 well, freak out if you guys want to.

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Probably the dumbest, out-of-touch PvP nerfs, with the most basic logic applied:

Developers’ note: The short cooldown of Feign Death from Craven Strategem can be frustrating to play against, especially for classes whose primary damage comes from damage over time effects. We are changing the cooldown reduction from Craven Strategem to address this.

That’s the whole POINT OF THE DAMN LEGENDARY. You’re making it nearly useless now.

Yeah. So are you going to make sure walls can’t block hunters from shooting targets and make sure other classes can’t be immune to damage

because that effects Hunter damage.

there is no logic behind any of this non-sense.

Ret nerfs:

From 30% to 15%

But you increased Warlocks damage? And Demon Hunters?

Blizzard must have demons working on their staff.

Still stuck on that 2005 World of Roguecraft video it seems.


Read my post above. Destro single target is absolutely terrible. It was only the AoE build that had substantial issues. The AoE build was busted bad, but it’s getting fixed.

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It honestly doesn’t matter because all of these patches, nerfs and buffs are REDUNDANT and pointless.

What kind of reasoning for a PvP change is:

“Oh, some classes don’t like that they can’t instantly murder you 24/7.
We changed that so it’s easier for them.”

Blizzard just finds things people are using, things that are popular among the players
and then they change it because they are vindictive and don’t like “meta” aka anything that is fun.

This is what they’ve been doing for +18 years.

+18 plus years and they are still doing massive overhauls to classes instead of
doing ACTUAL work and creating new ones.

After +18 years
them making changes to classes that reflect HIGH percentages like 30% to 15% tells me that they have NO CLUE or logic, it’s how a couple of their staff members making changes based on how they “feel”.


You can only really react by ranging or stunning the hunter. Rapid fire cannot be LoSed. The hunter can literally turn around and face away from the target while it channels. I’m not sure why it can’t be LoSed.

We’ll have to wait and see how much impact the destro nerf actually has. Their AoE was absurd. 100k+ DPS absurd. But they’re not the only spec capable of these numbers, and it’s insanely late in the season to introduce this.

Most of these changes are okay, but as other people have pointed out, not addressing the other elephants in the room is just bad taste. I know we have a couple more days where more changes can come, but there’s obvious issues which need to be looked at.

I say this often, and I’ll say it again. Tuning passes should be happening far more frequently. The fact we’re 4 months into season 3 and Craven is just now getting addressed after being talked about for seasons is just bad. And that’s just one example.

Tuning needs to happen more frequently. I would kill for bi-weekly posts or something involving: “We’re aware of the following specs either over performing or having the potential to over perform, and we’ll be monitoring them. For now, we’ll be providing slight adjustments as the tier progresses for the sake of ensuring nothing becomes too busted.” Boom. Done.

And you tune. Frequently.


You’d know a lot more about that than I would. I am not an expert with PvP or rogues. All I know is Warlocks. :grin:

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Yeah I could careless about PvE changes.

But these nerfs and buffs are trying to knock-off Ret and Hunters survival and damage because someone at Blizzard keeps getting destroyed by these classes.

“We’ve been monitoring

Yeah I bet.

From the graveyard, writing up revenge patch notes to implement and pretend they know what they are doing.

“Some classes don’t like that they have to play better
so we nerfed these other classes to make it easier for them


Well, if they’re still doing major nerfs and buffs after 18 years

They clearly have NO IDEA what they are doing.


This should have come really early on the patch, like the necro fury nerf that only lived in sims, but why do it this far on the season? I mean let people have fun on their alts, not to mention the push and MDI teams that rely on their comp. If anything, buff whatever spec is lacking on aoe or not getting keys done. But don’t throw away all the effort put on all the lock re-rolls. At least wait till season 4 to make big nerfs/changes.

(I mean, the season is ending buff everything and let people have fun doing crazy aoe on a NW +35 for once)