Class Tuning Coming June 28

You mean it wouldn’t help the hundreds of other player playing off meta specs that don’t get invited to keys because two classes do 40% more damage than the rest? Weird take.


As long as survival isnt nerfed to nonexistence, but I highly doubt that, meme specs only get one patch before mages/monks get to dominate all over again. If only fun were more universal and not tied to strictly to doing high damage because it’s either high damage or crap damage, case in point beast mastery is dog tier and nobody will change my mind

Which is why they need to be much quicker to respond to specs which are massively out performing others.

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Since “player feedback” is potentially meaningful – why is leaving these specs overpowered in a way that is way out of line with other DPS classes for three months an excuse for leaving them overpowered for an additional two months? We’re far enough into the commitment for this tier that those players have gotten their great push weeks with max gear. I find it hard to believe that having an overpowered end of the season is necessary to reward investment into these FOTM alts.

If this is about M+ season scores and investment, what about the guardian druids that were nerfed at the beginning of the season after picking up their tier?

If this is about the MDI finals, why do nerfs in between weekends create an imbalance in a way that the DK nerfs and previous destro/survival nerfs didn’t?


Blizz has made it clear over and over they pretty much only care about the 0.1%.

From their egregious raid tuning to them literally coming and and not reigning in specs because they can’t hurt anyones feelings that is pushing for literally a 0.1% title.

I guess as long as MDI participants and Limit/Echo are happy then Blizzard is happy.


Players playing off-meta specs already are unlikely to get the title. You think if Destro lock gets nerfed that just removes the Destro locks already past the cut-off? If a Ret paladin couldn’t do 27s before, they still can’t do them post-nerf.

As far as the issue with getting invited to keys - you can make and push your own key with whatever composition you like. But players pushing for a high score numerically cannot get past a certain key level because the ceiling will have been forcibly lowered.

Man there are some absolute DEMON takes in this thread. Destro Nerfs are good, Survival Nerfs are good, they are needed, and frankly were needed much earlier in the tier. But we are at the tail end, people have committed hundreds of hours to characters to play them BECAUSE of what they brought to the table this season.

Bury these specs next tier when it doesn’t mess up people at the tail end of patch.


either hiding behind an alt or trolling idk but your shown char is a monk hush now

that’s an interesting way to say they fotm refilled chasing the best specs.

Yes, people do this, it’s a part of how WoW works. Get over it.

Edit: It’s how every game works actually.

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easy remove those runs like they do when there is an exploit in raid etc, after all if they are that good it shouldn’t be a problem to push their score back up.

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WW should be brought in line too.

This is about classes and the game as a whole not subjective bias.

This isn’t even at the title level. Literally every key im in, hundreds of people queue up. They leader takes destro and surv. Even I do this. Why would I pick a class doing 40% less damage to cap out my 15s for the week on alts?

Its not just the title level, these two specs are egregiously overtuned and it isn’t fun.


Sounds like they should get over getting nerfed which is what should happen to OP specs.


People seem to have some misguided desire for a scorched earth result where if they can’t get the title/invited into high keys, then neither should the players who worked hard rerolling and pushing for it.

If the nerf was coming with a plethora of massive buffs for other classes this nerf would not have been so strongly pushed against by the high end M+ community. Everyone would of happily accepted the leveled playing field if it didn’t mean forcibly lowering the ceiling for do-able high key levels.

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People who reroll fotm every patch apparently must be coddled?

Maybe it’s a bad take - but I think if you’re upset about not getting invited to 15s and don’t just create your own then that’s a problem for yourself.

One issue has a resolution that you can act on, the other just creates an impassable wall for the those players. Why opt for a scorched earth resolution?

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I wish devs would realize the nerf nerf nerf approach makes people angy, take a buff buff buff approach using the “OP” specs as a baseline or near, obviously the 20-40% difference capable with destro is too much, but mechanically gutting their ability to perform such numbers just makes it unfun and is frankly a lazy approach :confused: The pacing of balance changes is so long as well idk just an opinion but I feel a more positive response would be attained by smaller nerfs and larger buffs


I don’t think the complaints from the M+ players were that destro is getting nerfed, we knew that was going to happen. The complaint was when the change was going to happen.

Keep the big balance changes to the start of a season.


It should have been earlier, but just saying after some arbitrary amount of time everyone should be immune to nerfs is a fairly stupid way to balance a game.

But of course this is Blizzard we are talking about so it kinda makes sense.