Class Tuning around Legendary....terrible design. Shame on you blizzard

Why is my class/spec being tuned around a legendary that I don’t have and can’t seem to get to drop despite clearing heroic and reclearing half of mythic every week? This makes absolutely zero sense to me.

If the developers are going to ignore the current performance of the class by not pushing through any buffs, then they should be making the legendary drop for everybody by this point.

New patch out and still no buffs for arms despite being one of the lowest performing specs all tier, with and without the legendary.

There’s already enough data points out to make these decisions…


This part feels especially bad.

Because that would mean that they were wrong and we all know blizz can never be wrong.

But seriously i agree this is a load of crap i have cleared every week since that axe has been able to drop and still havn’t gotten it hell i saw it drop for 3 people last week in one kill.

I just hope this damn thing is worth all the headaches to get and maybe just maybe next patch we will actually get a buff.


I don’t think warriors with the legendary are topping dps charts.

Warrior is just really poorly tuned right now and combine that with out lack of utility. It is pretty rough.


At this point, since mostly all 2h strength classes are performing so poorly, it’s apparent that blizzard is tuning these classes around the legendary.

The legendary ilvl increase alone should net all of these classes an additional 3% dps on top of everybody else. Yet these classes are simming at or below non-legendary classes.

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Except when they get the legendary their damage is nothing special.


The Lego is around a 4-4.5% increase with about 3% of that coming from ilvl alone.

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These developers do not care, as long as they still have their job.

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The implementation of this Lego along with the Evoker one is terrible.

Just give all classes that can wield it a guaranteed quest drop when you get AoTC, but make the quest chain legendary and time consuming/demanding to complete.


Yeah when it drops for me I probably won’t bother. 300k gold(I’m told) for dps I don’t really need? Nah.

you just not Lucky, that all! :wink:
(for the Legendary!)

a legendary must be a legendary, not a 100% drop!

Fully agree, Blizz needs to stop tuning classes and specs around certain items, we saw this with the Razageth bow in season 1. It just makes your class or spec feel horrible to play as long as you don’t have said item, and makes you not want to play it.

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Where did they say they tuned anybody around having a legendary? It’s also weird that I see people complain that the legendary isn’t powerful enough, which would only make it more likely a spec is tuned around a legendary if it were more powerful.

Oh. This is your “proof” that blizzard tuned specs around having the legendary.

As someone who mained Evoker last season, i feel your pain guys. My suggestion is, don’t look at the legendary as something you “need” but rather just as something you “want”. It will make the disappointing after each failed attempt more bearable

I got my Evoker gem drop after the 15th kill “post” blp implementation. By that time i didn’t longer cared, stopped doing so after the 10th kill, and just wanted it for the mog.

If it drops, awesome, and it will, eventually, but don’t feel like you need the thing in order to be good this season.

Meanwhile I’m over here hoping I don’t have the legendary drop.

I don’t want to drop 300k on a weapon lol. And the weeks after I get the quest to craft it and I don’t have it my guildies will be wondering what’s up :joy:

You do really low dps before the axe which makes you want the axe. Then you spend 500k to get the axe and realize it is trash and youre still getting out dpsd by most classes in raid and m+. Then you wait for class changes and they buff ret which was already beating us in dmg and utility. Then you decide to reroll basically anything else because warrior just ain’t happening.

Tip: You can skip the first part and just reroll.

When I heard about the 2-h legendary i was kinda excited for it, I thought that it would be a cool and juicy weapon. After all these weeks I my mind has changed and I feel cursed to play one of the classes that use the legendary for some reasons…

The first one is the drop chance man, every week a bad feeling after a Fyrakk kill.
Second is this tunning around the Legendary we are receiving, its feel so bad to be undertuned for more than a month thanks to an item that you need luck to get. Third its the active skill, a channeling for a melee class is not fun at all and it make worse for warrios, cause we dont have that juicy increment of range.

Devs and designers behind the WoW are kinda lost. A game should be fun, challenging but FUN. Its not fun when you need a legendary like this to TRY to play at the same level as other players, not everyone likes to be the underdog.

Yep like i said before it used to be every class was tuned by their own abilitys and actions and the legendarys were just bonuses on top so if you got one you were super happy.

Now we are tuned around having the legendary and a trinket that is super rare and you you don’t have them well sucks to be you hope you enjoy being behind everyone till you get it.

The devs need to look back at classic and what worked which was the whole point of it was to see what worked and what didn’t and bring that forwards but it seems like the devs saw how successful classic was and just went what they enjoy the older version made by people that care more then our crappy version with our own fanfiction stuff shoved in how dare they make it crapper.