Class Tuning and PvP Adjustments Coming in 9.2.5

Very true.
I hate the arms tier. It’s not recapturing the tomb of sargeras arms at all with consistent col smash resets being overpower.

Overpower sucks I don’t know why they changed arms from 7.2.5 and then try to just keep adding things that make it feel like it was.

War breaker is mandatory, like wtf is a 1.5 min single target increase that never resets. Rage is still a problem if you’re not getting good rng or hitting same target.
Why is slam not free at this point to fish for resets?
It’s just so disappointing.


Yup, you get it :slight_smile: The set looks “ok” on paper, until you actually try to use it. It may as well not even exist.


How disappointing.

I’m happy the other classes got buffs and would rather see classes get buffs to be brought up close to the top than see the top classes get nerfed.

The disappointment comes from the classes that haven’t been touched or even communicated about (some since the start of this patch) that need it: DH, Boomkins, Holy Paladins are a few examples. I don’t know what metrics you guys are using, but you’re absolutely disconnected or don’t care.

Thumbs Down.


I was referring to M+. Should have made that clear.

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He’s a well known Blizz apologist/troll. Mute him and improve your life significantly.


It’s a dead spec. Reroll or unsub.

(I’m saying this nicely, not attacking you).

Not sure why? Meta was already Necrolord.

This just killed Enhancement in PvP.

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and the balance druid for when buff they always nerf him the legendary ones put a cap on the rain of stars give him some love please

Irony. If you look at something actually relevant and not mythic:

Fury is fine.

Even in mythic + comparatively it is not performing well. yes it’s cd’s line up really good in mythic + the burst isn’t meta level (which it doesn’t need to be) though we should still be touched on and we should have been the last ww buff (all they really need to do is revert the nerf to our tier set and we are good in aoe and st and makes us a way better choice in keys than what we are now. Cause you gotta think if you have a full group you push keys with then it doesn’t matter. But when it comes to pugging? ooof better luck next time cause that key holder is Looking for Rogue/Surv/Destro/or WW. Unless a covy is needed and the only 2 covs that people are gonna play keys to a high level are kyr and nf for fury.


Did you really just link me heroic logs? Something that has no involvement to endgame content? Yes its the 2nd highest difficulty for the raid but that by no means makes it hard.

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Yep, because Mythic is useless for comparison. It’s a tiny fraction of the population with minimal boss kills and cheese/stacking rampant.

If you look at the raiding population that 95% of the population does, Fury is more than fine.


0 Changes for either Druid DPS spec
0 Changes for Affliction lock which I think was already fighting for last with Arms Warrior (which did get a buff)
A microscopic tweak to Destro while they’re already miles ahead of a massive majority of other specs with no real tweaks to any other specs outside of maybe the changes to Windwalker, and Survival still reigns supreme alongside them with no changes.

There better be massive changes in the Season 4 patch if the only reason you’re “holding out” on bigger changes is because its mid season.


Im staying out of this one, bite his head off


Not even gonna bother I said what I needed if he wants to come back for more I’ll give it to him.

As they should

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Once again players that don’t raid think they have a clue. That doesn’t fix afflictions lack of burst.

Actually heroic logs are useless. You take classes performance based on the top players playing it not the average of players playing it to find out it’s true power level.


Thank youu


You’re spare parts bud.