Class Tuning and PvP Adjustments Coming in 9.2.5

No fix to Disc in PvE?

I hate holy

This tier I was basically forced to be Holy because Disc wasn’t bringing enough heals - especially in AOE damage situation. I played Disc until Anduin, but for Anduin on I was basically forced to go Holy.

It feels bad, it isn’t fun. Why do you ruin the one spec I truly loved?


100% True I forgot Disc was even a spec till you said something.

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Bruh I already embarrassed you on the hunter forums you want that to happen on GD as well?

Just because you can’t play BM very well doesn’t make me an apologist or a troll.

When you stop having 50% uptime on frenzy stacks you can have a valid opinion on BM.

im not playing bm atm.

you don’t need to be actively playing something to want it to be better.
it’s frustrating that blizzard balances things on a whim without actually playing the game.

they might have internal data but no one cares about internal data on the “average” player being subpar.
it’s been a thorn in my side forever that they balance classes around the 80% and not the 99% potential mark. the worse of a player you are currently the better BM becomes.

balancing the game is genuinely easy to do, its deadass basic math yet they just can’t seem to understand value and frequency.


Disc was still played be even top guilds, and holy has lived in Discs basement for about 10 years in raids and they finally are considered “better” for the first time and people want them back in the dirt.

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By What metric would you call specs balanced?

Overall on mythic?

Single target?

Burst aoe?

Sustained stacked cleave?

Spread cleave?


Priority add?




Item level?


Warcraftlogs Selection bias?

all of the above. you can apply aura’s to abilities in all types of content till things are within 1% of each other overall including variance.

there will be certain things each spec excels at and performs better than others but it’s not a difficult task to do. they just refuse to do it.

you can’t look at destruction warlock and think that’s even remotely close to anything else currently with it’s 2 separate DR’s, 20 unique class utilities, defensives, and highest single target/aoe in the game.

I think something that might be going on is internally a lot of other factors are being considered and they’re using spec balance as knob not for balance, but for other things like behavior, this for that balance on arbitrary axis, and spec population.

Mythic+ and PvP disc isn’t played. Top guilds using disc doesn’t make it good

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they don’t actually balance the game for the three things where balance actually matters; raiding, mythic+, and pvp despite having the tools in place for over a decade to do it literally daily.

all of which doesn’t discount destruction being the literal best spec in the game by a mile currently and warlock has historically just simply been complete bullshlt forever never not being the top 3


Final fantasy doesn’t even balance that tightly and they have almost 0 variables with their classes since there are no talents or way to make classes have choices and differences.

Destro is only broken in high key mythic+ due to their set bonus. They are good in raids but not super amazing because other than anduin down phase there aren’t that many aoe pulls. They also were barely played during progression (demo) and only shifted to as the nerfs have rolled in.

Keys up through where the rewards stop don’t even do big enough pulls for destro to be good.

Pvp disc is played but holy is just preferred. Also with the disc buffs they look to be about 50-50.

Actually if top guilds are using priests as disc it’s for a reason.

Does anyone else find it off that the people complaining the most about balance tend to parse greens and blues?

It’s almost like they don’t understand how the game works.


disc is probably the best rbg healer dont @ me


no one cares if a top guild is using disc in a very niche situation. I want a third spec that is powerful in its own right.

this isn’t FF14 is it?

FF14 has extremely simple specs, low variance, no customization with rigid as hell counters with only 1 thing balanced for being raiding.

destro isn’t “only good at high keys” if you think that then whatever warlocks you’ve been playing with aren’t performance oriented.
they’re highest single target, 2 target, and after 3+ it’s considered AoE which they very clearly win at with short term burst and sustained dps ALL THE WHILE being the tankiest dps in the game with several things only warlocks can bring.

You’re right. However there is no loss to anyone if every class performs on the same level

Oh ok. Disc is good at RBG’s I guess. That’s all we can ask for really

im glad i could get you to see the error of your ways