Class Tuning and PvP Adjustments Coming in 9.2.5

Before the buffs I already started to shelf my 6 year straight feral for my monk.
After seeing feral get zero love, again, I guess it’s time for my beloved druid to get benched. No spec should be totally ignored or put into the situation feral has been in for years. Now boomy is getting the silent treatment along with it.
“There is no hybrid tax” they said, but it sure feels like druids get to pay that tax every expansion in one spec or the other.


What I truly appreciate about this post is how they listed the, “why,” behind each change.

I’m loving the communication.

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Yeah, they pretty much had to buff the tanks threat to withstand the arcane wizards!

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That makes zero sense. Considering it is the top hunter single target spec.

I highly doubt that. The issue is people complained about the MR playstyle and want most of afflictions damage to come from dots. That’s how you have the garbage that affliction is now. 9.0 affliction was good. It was fun.

Yeah you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about and it shows.

You’ll be happy to know some of us still turn off Growl or Suffering when we see a tank attack our target that isn’t going to die in the next 10 seconds.

keep on nerfing enhancement why would i play enhancement over my ret or frost dk i think ill stay elemental on my shaman…lol.

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Where you getting 13%?

It’s highly variable, but the consensus is that it’s a 5-6% buff to overall DPS.

Lol…like WoW actually has “hard” specs.

Get over yourself :clown_face:

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You guys are actually trolling… I’m only going to give the perspective from my class cause that’s all I come here for… (Fury main complaining about the WW buff’s) Why on god’s earth is WW single target getting buffed When it’s performing Better than 11 classes in raid (boss damage and adds) Yes you can see that they are performing poorly in boss damage but there aoe makes up for that (Can’t tell me otherwise cause it is their aoe that puts them 11 classes ahead of dead last in raid) Now moving on to mythic + WW is already without the buffs considered meta because their aoe is the natty daddy 2nd best in the game (if it wasn’t good they would not use it at all in mdi and just auto rogue every key) And now they have a single target buff? Without any nerfs to their aoe? Now you could say well Miko it’s blizz they are trying their damndest to get everyone buffed it just takes time… Well you listen here bucko Triple A is in the name and I expect all or nothing cause the standard should be Triple A. And lets not forget that the nerfs to surv and destro still have not happened, They could have easily reverted the 5% destro buff (which mind you would not be a big enough nerf) And then surv could probably have the same treatment. Why are people that generally have to pug getting punished because of lazy tuning? I mean don’t you think it’s beyond goofy that (no matter what spec you play) That its been 2 months now? 2 months of the current meta? And no significant changes to any class (except maybe ww here) And we know they’ve nerfed the meta before. Now they just up and decided to not nerf the meta? Well I mean if that’s the case they why don’t we revert the Venthyr HPally nerfs, any nerf we have done to frost and fire mage, The Feral and Fury tier nerfs. And probably other’s that I missed. Every spec should be able to perform on the same level and the only thing that should determine otherwise is skill, and gear.


Fury is top tier DPS already. If you aren’t regularly topping meters, that’s a “you” problem.

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For reals.

LOL a warlock saying Mages are the protagonists. Funny joke.

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Are you an idiot?

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Man, it must really suck having your spec ignored for a whole patch (laughs in prot warrior).

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blizz doesn’t even care for us bro…

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Beast Mastery
All damage abilities and pet damage increased by 4%.
Beast Cleave now causes your pet to strike other targets for 100% of your pet’s damage (was 90%).
Developers’ notes: Beast Mastery has not received as much AoE benefit from its set bonus as other specializations and consequently has fallen behind. We’re increasing the damage of their pets and Beast Cleave damage transfer to help their overall performance.

Ah yes… The ol’ just give it 4% that’ll work. It worked last time. :^)
It’s not like beast cleave needs a very literal 1000% to be on par with surv aoe or anything.
Marks barely competes at 5 targets and can’t hit more than that.
Balance this patch is a joke.
Why tf is the tankiest dps spec in the game doing the most damage in ST and AoE while having 20 unique class specific utilities.
Warlock’s are bullshlt and you know it.

Beast mastery needs a “venthyr legendary” for kill command, and beast cleave to not do reduced damage anymore, and also aspect of the wild to be a real cooldown again like in 8.3.

Once again clueless post by snozzy…ask any warlock player how to increase single traget without changing cleave and they will tell you. Start with buffing UA dmg 20% in pve and watch how simple this fix is . Blizz takes 4 nonths to process basic data it takes a player to do in 20 sec.


How are there no moonkin buffs lmao. Same for feral/affliction/fury.

How are there no real nerfs to Destro and Surv? I don’t want yall to completely smash them but when you have both of these in your comp it’s almost like you’re playing with 5 dps instead of 3.


For god Blizzard, give to Shadow Priest players a bit of love. Our class can’t compete with any other in a lot of contents. We just can do a good single target damage, but any other content, is just unfair. Shadow have a lot of requeriments to deal damage, and is not rewarded for this. Survivor Hunters and Destro Warlocks, just need to press 1 or 2 buttons e do +3x overall damage in SOOOOOOME situations.