Class Tuning and PvP Adjustments Coming in 9.2.5

I cant have a conversation with someone that has zero mythic raiding exp in the last two expansions.

On top of the fact that you parse greys in heroic and normal so its a waste of time to explain things you dont understand.

That fury warrior nerf doesnt seem to be enough imo. We will see but im kinda sick of every match being a dam fury warrior

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I’ve played fury for 10 years and I agree. I use to be the only fury, now I’m just considered a “reroll”

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Why would anyone look at logs relative to people with lower ilvl? I hope someone with higher ilvl parses higher than someone undergeared on the same fight

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Probably the same reason why everyone uses balance arguments based on the smallest fraction of a specs performance which has been put forth by players who are stacking every possible buff they can to parse the highest possible when it doesn’t really apply to the vast majority of players?


Its not comparing person a to person bs ilvl. On warcraft logs there are certain brackets for ilvl 233-235/236-238/239-241/242-244 and ect ect.

The main purpose is to see proper rotation. If you have a grey parse overall but a purple/orange by ilvl it means that in your ilvl bracket you are doing your rotation properly. On the reverse if your overall is purple but your ilvl one is grey it means that you are making major mistakes rotational wise and being carried by gear.

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You really are buffing monks single target without nerfing their AoE ? Seriously? Are you making an already strong class(ESPECIALY IN M+) even stronger after getting a 5% aura buff not long ago, MAKING THEM EVEN BETTER IN AOE??? F you blizz and your S balance.


It’s the fact they can almost out heal a healer or can out heal a hybrid class. That doesn’t make sense to me when they trade nothing for this survivability. When a ret has to play defensive and heal themselves they are trading Holy Power to heal instead of using it for damage. Even enhance shaman have to spend maelstrom to insta cast heals to keep themselves up instead of using it for damage. WW Monks can’t stand out in the open and spam vivify on themselves they trade their mobility to escape and heal. Warriors on the other hand just heal by doing damage, this really shouldn’t be the case. They trade nothing for the amount of healing they put out.

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Why not. That’s fun to multi dot

Your reasoning is why people are leaving this game in droves. Lock dots can’t hit hard because of a fight or two in a raid. Please




We have been fighting for this for months and got nothing, YOUR WITH THE COMMUNITY COUNCIL, TAKE IT TO THAT FORUM AND FIGHT FOR US!


this isn’t true, get off your high horse buddy. Still doesn’t take into account mechanical assignments, targetting assignments etc.

Yeah I don’t think you understand logging either palomino.

Heroic parsing is largely irrelivent. And to that fact, you also gathered these parses halfway through that tier, as you have no logs for the start or end of the tier. This tells me right away that you’re linking logs to toot your own horn. Those logs at that time in the tier are carried by gear and entirely skipped mechanics because dps checks are also easier to hit.

Get a grip buddy, you aren’t a god


You do realize that mechanical assignments are assigned to anyone/everyone right?

I understand logging just fine.

Everyones gear is better especially further into the patch making it the same difficulty to parse. I was playing in a very bad heroic guild while I was gearing my lock after swapping from rogue after my guild collapsed.

Either way still better than his grey parses in normal.

Never claimed to be a god.

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uhhh, there’s a difference between raid mechanics and assignments. IE, having to go over to platforms on xymox, Banners on pantheon.

you sure do treat everyone in here like an underling.

I suggest you take a long hard look in the mirror and realize that people are allowed opinions, as are you. The real problem here though is the fact that you are also wrong, and instead of realizing that you continuously antagonize people with fiction.

your welcome to to opening up to the idea that kill times (earlier kills in the tier) also make it infiinitely easier to parse. you are leaving out key details in your analysis of someone just to make yourself feel better.

Here’s a treat for you, do me…i dare you


Yes, you act like doing platforms on Xymox is bad for certain classes.

I treat people the same way they treat me. Dude cant refute points and throws insults then I call his grey parses out.

Nah I have no reason to look in a mirror.

What am I wrong about? because just saying I am doesnt make it so.

You also realize that while yes kill times are shorter…they are still shorter for everyone right?

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never said that, was giving examples of mechanical assignments. Now you are trying to twist words to right your own wrongs lol

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and this is why you don’t raid at a high level

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Nah youre just nitpicking assignments/mechanics in an effort to try and validate your argument.

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Nah, not being able to commit to three days a week due to work and family is the main reason why.

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Buff disc. I should be able to do 5-6k overall as disc in mythic+ easy