Class Tuning and PvP Adjustments Coming in 9.2.5

Yeah you are showing your ignorance now. What i am talking about is EXACTLY how Affliction was in Pandaria! Exactly. Dots, haunt and drain soul. Simple. Unhindered and unconvoluted by stupid burst abilities no one wants or wanted. You just exposed yourself as the one who doesnt know what they are talking about. Ive played this class since Cata. I know exactly what im saying.

Yep, he is jumping waters and doesnt even know how to swim. What i described was exactly how affliction was in pandaria. Little did he know.

Irony considering you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.

This isn’t pandaria anymore. The game is completely different and boss fights are more complex and have tighter burst windows. If referencing pandaria is your best argument save yourself the embarrassment and stop responding now.

Burst windows are what’s needed in todays raiding environment. I know you don’t even clear heroic so your opinion isn’t informed at all.

Doesn’t mean you played it correctly or actually effectively.

You don’t know anything.

Rofl you’re a grey parsing warlock.

It’s devolving into one trick pony game play.

The design gives you very little room for any other tactics. It’s the tank that can hold the most and the DPS that scales the best with pull size.


I won’t suggest ideas that I have because people would scream at me about certain things. But making it harder for tanks to hold threat isn’t the way to go

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  1. I just came back 2 weeks ago.

  2. I was purple parsing all through pandaria, WoD and Legion. I left during BFA.

  3. Here are my parses for Legion Heroic:

And Legion Normal:

Hell, legion was better affliction than this mess. Then they nerfed it and went to my priest. So please have some context before you make a fool of yourself.

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We’ve been conditioned to be on the bigger better damage meters performance escalation.

To a large extent that’s the issue, anything they do that impedes more More MORE!!! is going to get a lot of friction.

But if they we’re to try and change course they can either do it by limiting how many things we can damage at once, or how many things that can be controlled by the tank at once. Even allowing kiting mechanics expands the window.

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What’s your excuse for CN? As those were the logs I linked.

No you weren’t. I just looked them up.

In Legion you got purples because of gear not skill.

Even then nothing current. Current is what matters.

9.0 affliction was awesome it was fun. I know because I played it.

End of the day you’re a blue/green normal parsing warlock that hasn’t raided since BFA as well as have zero understanding of current raiding environment.

Confirmed that would be you.

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My biggest frustration as a Tank has been world bosses and events (and sometimes in LFR/LFG). As we all know, many bosses require moving the boss around and or redirecting their attacks. No matter how strong my threat/aggro is, some Hunter, Warlock, Shaman, etc will come with their tanking pet that AGGRESSIVELY taunts every time it it can. Not only does this cause the boss to run or spin around, but makes it impossible to move the boss when it’s needed. Pets should NOT be able to pull aggro when a tank spec character is actively tanking an NPC, period. Just as I feel that non-tanking classes should never be able to come close to the threat that a tank has.

Obviously this won’t address the issue with some tanks who insist on taunting no matter what. It’s always been my personal view that if someone has aggro, is not dying, and is doing their job, why should I interfere? It’s common courtesy. However, this courtesy is rarely practiced in reality. It’s really made me dislike playing in places like Zereth Mortis and other areas super annoying. Thank goodness we don’t have a Consumption-type boss that needs to “level up” to be worth any good in ZM.

Edit: Obviously, I don’t tank on this toon.

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Boomkins are still insane, really. They just have competition now.

But no, clearly we are OP and need to be nerfed. Dont think I’ve seen video of 20 warlocks blowing up a current mythic boss in under a minute like we have for boomkins in every prior raid, interestingly enough.

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By the power of Convoke the spirits, I bid ye banished from this mortal plane.

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Why are you being so abrasive to this guy? You’re pretty unremarkable yourself and aren’t in any position to act as elitist as you are.

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It’s Snozh, Are you expecting anything different?

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Too much work for 1 patch? Just wow.

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Dude insults me and then gets called out on it.

Never claimed to be. However I am much better than the guy I am replying too.

I understand what you’re saying, but what they actually have to do is buff all other healing specs. Holy still barely keeps up to the damage this patch, all other healers don’t come close. Use H priest as the benchmark minimum and buff other healers to match


What are even linking? Thats not remotely the same imfo i have, logged in to my own account on that website? Lol! Are you fudging embedded code or something?! Lmao. Its not even same! I literally gave you the links from legion normal and heroic and you, instead of using the links from my own account, which verifies its me, you instead “look up” my supposed info and its not even the same? Lmao!

You are desperate arent you? You made stupid assertions based on a lack of info. You say affliction cant be balanced for single and aoe, i tell you how, you say i dont know what im talking about. I then tell you that my solution is exactly how the class worked in Pandaria, then another Warlock player calls you out for your stupidity. Then your only arguement after being proven wrong that this isnt pandaria, which proves nothing. Then you try to log shame me, not realizing i just came back 2 weeks ago, then i use your own tool against you, showing my Antorus purple scores and averages for both Normal and heroic and all you got is, "that isnt current (cause 2 weeks gives me plenty of time to get current somehow) and then, you link some crap thats not even the same as my personal account parses…then you say my purple parses are because of gear? Sir, who doesnt get better parses with better gear? Do you really believe that gear alone was the result of those parses? That a blind monkey with the right gear could do that, consistantly? If so, i would like to remind you, i dont play a HUNTER.

Bruh, you are pathetic and laughable. No wonder you have such a bad rep on these forums. Wow.

You are entertaining, but imma watch Stranger Things now and try to empty my head of your foolishness before I lose brain cells reading you pabulum.

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Just to clarify, the ones you have linked show your performance compared to locks of all item levels. The ones he linked show you compared to other locks at an item level close to yours. It’s splitting hairs. He just upset because you dared to punch at his over inflated ego and he’s bruised a bit.

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Figures. He started the log shaming…all he had to do was stick to the arguement and prove his point with logic, but most people, when confronted with their crumbling arguement, resort to that kind of thing. Could have just been a discussion about functionality but he had to take it…ah whats the point.

Imma watch Stranger Things.

You dont even realize you can toggle between ilvl do you? What I linked is you sorted by ilvl. It means you were carried by gear and that you arent doing your rotations properly

Not at all.

I have mythic exp on my lock in the current expansion and you dont.

No, I said that Aff cant have strong dots because of council fights. Affliction also lacks burst which is needed in todays mythic raiding which you dont have any knowledge of.

You clearly dont understand how parsing works. It sorts between all Ilvls and window ilvls. When you parse you want both to be as close to each other. Not my fault you dont know how the website works.

You still dont comprehend that the only reason those parses are purple is because of the gear as your rotations were so bad you would be in blue parses if it werent for the gear.

You are wrong, have no idea what you are talking about, have zero idea how logs work, and think you have a clue.

Not even close. My locks logs are better than his.