Class Tuning and PvP Adjustments Coming in 9.2.5

This is called refuting your point with factual context that actually in turn effects parses. At this point i’m inclined to believe you can’t be this delusional. But trolls do exist


Its not refuting my point when you are nitpicking the exact words. Yes there is a difference between mechanics and ssignments. Doesnt mean that anyone is immune to them.

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Off topic… Why you gemming Mastery? Enchanting Mastery, Sorry.

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was breaking the monotony of venthyr today with kyrian a kyrian mastery build with DA. as fun as it is, it’s depressing the damage it does, and i thought venthyr gameplay was depressing in 25+ keys lol


If our mastery wasnt god awful it probably wouldnt be that bad of a build

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maybe if our mastery affected more than CS in regular rotation lol. Still absolutely baffles me why DS isn’t effected by mastery and immo. It’s felfire…should be chaos damage.

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Im specifically talking about Mastery on this CLASS TUNING THREAD, to catch the attention of the Devs that HEY WE EXIST!!!


I’m sorry to hear that.


Maybe the havoc dev is also blind and can’t find his braille keyboard to acknowledge we exist


Think you forgot the whole “this doesn’t apply in pvp” notation, right? Right?

For the most part, good news otherwise. Step in the right direction at the very least!

Your developer and Druid developer probably share same pair of glass.


You’ve had work and a family your entire raiding career? If you don’t have at least one CE your opinions are irrelevant.

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The funny thing is, I bet Blizz doesn’t understand why all their 4% buffs are not working. Every player knows the problem with BM is in their AoE for keys. At the start of 9.2 Blizz said they knew the 4pc bonus was an issue and would correct it. Their correction is actually a dps lose if followed. So a 4% increase to basically 0 AoE dps, does not move the meter. The only thing these 4% buffs are really doing is increasing BM’s single target damage. They need to correct the 4pc bonus, but they will not do that. Maybe they will for season 4, if not, they will never balance BM this expan.

That’s not even their issue. BM is a single target spec.

BMs main issues are lackluster tier bonuses and it’s lacking burst outside of spirits.

Do you guys even play the game? Nerfing destruction damage is ‘‘ok’’ because all player who can’t place a WA and see the ritual stacks will keep crying, but removing demon armor making a class that is really squishy against melee to be even more?
What about nerfing fury/ret/dh single target dmg?
You guys are CLUELESS.

do you even know what you are talking about?

Sis de he mentioned lock demon armor removal I’m thinking he’s talking pure pvp.

This, all of this. I main Outlaw rogue and have refused to swap because I just enjoy playing it far more than Sub or Sin.

All of this looks great. Yay for tank threat. And disc priest buffs for PVE please? Thanks.

The reason their AoE is bad, compared to the other specs, is due to their “lackluster tier set”. If Blizz had correctly addressed the 4pc issue at the start of 9.2, this would not be an issue now.

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