Class Tuning and PvP Adjustments Coming in 9.2.5

All of this is good reason to go with the largest data set you have. And when looking at 90th percentile and above you can somewhat assume all that minutia comes out in the wash. The best affixes, path, team comp, etc, is what spec A got their 99th percentile parse with. And what ever those conditions were for spec B, that’s what happened when they got their 99th percentile parse.

And that there’s not a lot of turnover in terms of some specs being a lot better for some dungeons than others, I would say the can of worms is with raids.

No you can’t.

In mythic they actually do. Some specs thrive on certain fights and others do not.

That’s why overall isn’t a good indication of a specs actual performance.

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Not that person but my view on it is balanced is within the following conditions:

  1. within ~10% overall on single target other things being equal on a pure patchwerk style encounter with all other classes potential.
  2. Excelling(30-70% better then the worst at this) in at least two of: X target damage, on demand burst(single target), spread cleave, on deman burst(multi target), general aoe damage in mass pulls, two target cleave(counts as X target damage, but two target is both more common then the rest and also one that is often a niche for various classes)
  3. Not being complete deadweight for the damage types above that 'insert class here" isn’t suited for. For example I would argue every dps class in 50 target cleave should be able to pull 100k dps(as a metric of this patch where the top end can burst even higher in much smaller pulls) as a matter of course in one way or another instead of being split on the ones that can get aoe scaling and the ones that can’t.

It’s a lot more impactful when a class’s only dps spec is underperforming vs 1 of 3 dps specs underperforming.

Every class is going to have some issues they have to deal with.

Holy is better than disc but pretending disc isn’t playable is false.

BM is playable by that same comparison.

I know. I play it in mythic raiding as well as MM.

I’m not one of the hunters saying BM isn’t playable.

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Along these lines, I think this is where things went wrong with the design.

It’s not that there were AoE caps, it’s that they applied them in drastically uneven ways which allowed some specs to scale wildly out of balance as the pull size got larger.

I can see why they might try something like this to get spec differentiation via damage profiles, but without some other mechanic limiting pull size it just devolves to the best specs are the specs that allow you kill large groups faster, which allows you pull larger groups which means you need the specs that can kill the larger groups quicker.


Holy Priest untouched?





Which is really a function of how mythic+ infinite scaling is done and the walls are the timer not damage taken or bosses.

And the only way to do enough damage to beat the timer is mass pulling.

And only applies to keys WAY past where the rewards stop.

Not saying they should change mythic+, but it’s design is where most of these comments come from.

Unavoidable damage is so pathetically toothless in keys it may as well not even be there.

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not necessarily. there’s key level which makes a big difference too. 15’s are a joke and favor burst whereas 20+ favors more extended burst phases with a lot larger pulls.

typically the better players will gravitate toward the better specs overtime just simply thru the nature of being human taking the path of least resistance; even i’m playing marks atm even tho i quit shadowlands bcus of how bad marks is
i came back shortly to get DF ready as i’m not a hall of fame raider anymore, and i don’t acknowledge survival as a hunter spec (which i would link to posts from previous alpha’s but can’t as they deleted the old forums).

this is coming from someone who used to be a hall of fame before hall of fame was even a thing… no they don’t. the only people that do that is a very extreme minority and world first optimizations or their desired spec to play is underperforming too much.

this kind of stupid thinking not having proper experience is exactly why conduit energy existed to “stop those hardcore players swapping all the time” is just utter dog. you literally have no idea what you’re saying. you don’t even have a single cutting edge how could you possibly know? simply having a few friends who do it means nothing in the scheme of >literally all players who clear mythic raids< and not just the first few trash bosses for free loot that’s pugable.

i’m not going to bother explaining why it’s complete idiocy to expect or force players to swap to things they don’t want to play just because it’s slightly better, the issue here is that destruction is painfully braindead easy AND absurdly overpowered as hell.

it’s absurd that it took this long for them to understand this, and in a recent interview ion backs this up with saying they realized from internal data after giving players back the choice to swap at will that the absolute vast majority of players don’t change a single thing even for mythic.

don’t speak on things you very clearly only have a concept of what happens in your head at a higher level of play.

Ferals are now above balance in all types of content ^^

Guardian to get ksm…

The other issue, and this would probably be wildly unpopular to mess with, is the mechanics that allow tanks to manage large pulls.

Mass snares, mass Aggro, mitigation that doesn’t scale down with number of mobs tanked.

If you pulled 30 mobs and 25 of them immediately started whacking on the survival hunter and then bee lined for the healer and lock, that would put a quick stop to ridiculous pull sizes. Or if 25 of them completely bypassed a tanks mitigation.

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So you haven’t raided competitively in how long?

Also I find that hard to believe because your mplus parses are blue and green and I would expect better

I never said anything about forced.

It’s pretty ignorant to base a specs performance over every fight considering specs like BM aren’t going to thrive well on the multiple add dightsbthis tier.

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Had these debates 10’s and 20’s of times.

Basically it turns out that the damage between 15’s and 20’s is remarkable similar. It’s almost like players that can do 20’s also come down and do 15’s for vault and get remarkably similar results.

And for the second hypothesis to be true it would mean FotM hoppers would have be better at their temporary spec than spec diehards, and that all spec diehards would have to be inherently worse players.

Huzzah. :+1:

No not huzzah they are other classes that need buffs too. Don’t praise a job until its done right even if some of the work is good. A house isn’t good just because the bathroom was built well.

But it does help on nights you consume Taco Bell :joy:

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poor enhancement shaman healing keeps getting nerfed while ret paladins word of glory does not.

why would i play enhancement shaman again?

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i quit hardcore raiding in legion after tomb of sargeras. legion killed half the hardcore guilds. i came back in BFA played in 8.3 for 9.0 bcus i was lied to with “old tier sets as legendary powers” and no tier 18 4p bcus they hate hunters, and quit shortly after bcus of how mechanically annoying marks is to play.

i’ve been back now for 3 weeks playing a spec i don’t like and not taking the game remotely seriously… not performing better? shocker. :roll_eyes:

you severely underestimate how simple people are… they see destro being miles ahead in all categories and fights besides one in all content and play it. they usually don’t even know how to play the best specs they’re just simply playing them.