Class tree revamp but

I think they could have and still have it feel different.

This is one of those moment where the form of an ability would have made all the difference.

If it had been a “falling sword” kind of ability visually, it could have made perfect sense (D3 reference again).

But alas they are committed to the pony.

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Wish… com was selling gap closers and Blizzard bought em and found out the knockbacks and fears we cant immune without bubble, and stuns we cant immune without BoP or Bubble Wish… coms version of a gap closer doesn’t help. 3 talents for movement should be the max per spec. Fit the tools we need into 3. Not 5, not 6, it is beyond crazy to spend 6 talents on steed and one to sometimes get movement from judgment to be the slowest spec.


This^. I dont play ret often, but the amount of rets I’ve seen that dont have any utility talented, or worse, they do and never use it in a whole dungeon/raid is insane. Around 90% of them even at keys around 13-15 level this is not uncommon. It’s wasting one of paladin biggest strengths.

Sometimes I play prot people is impressed I use my utility at all. And god knows how much I would love to have 1 min sac again on Hpal or Spellwarding or a more powerful barrier of faith/AM.

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Coming soon to your nearest WoW stream, paladin not using freedom once in the brewery.

Stay tuned!

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Um steed is definitely not a trap talent for pvp, are you serious??

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Steed of liberty is

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A problem I dont see being fixed is, Ret and Prot pally at least want 80% of the class tree talents to feel whole but get to have 75%. We all have choices to make with talents, tradeoffs we feel is right. Whether those choices are correct will always be a debate. A skill someone takes but use incorrectly use or never press by choice or lack of knowledge does little for them.

No it’s not…that is BiS in pvp…

Are you kidding??

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Lmao no its not for very obvious reason. Go ahead and use it thats fine.


Yes it is…

We get freedom on steed every time now.

Like hello??

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Not to mention unbound makes a random party member get freedom anyways.

And isn’t there a talent that heals the party everytime a blessing starts and ends? Which you would get more from steed+spurs?

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That only happens if you don’t target someone

Steed auto applies freedom to self. It’s not targeted.

Yeah but it’s a choice node with unbound

Unbound is below steed, it’s a choice node for freedom itself.

Oooo im thinking about freedom itself.

yeah the choice is steed of liberty vs blessing of freedom, and unbound right below.

Honestly, I’d be choosing steed of liberty for most of the things. AS it puts self freedom off the GCD and paired with spurs, can be used more often. Just my opinion though (also taking in consideration templar’s get’s most of their speed in the first 3 seconds, and lower CD steed would apply the 3 second CD reduction for movement skills for the party more often.)

Although I wish there was LESS talents for divine steed

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I mean yea go take steed of freedom and pray for the right teammate to get freedom? No thanks.

Same amount of gcds and more uses with steed and freedom by themsleves

I fail to see how autofreedon on a random teammate is better than on demmand freedom. Not only in arena but in bgs. Doesnt sound like you use unbound freedom on allies that much if you are this ok with rsndomly giving freedom to whoever wins the diceroll

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No it’s not…

It removes one gcd by baking freedom in

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If taken with spurs and 2 charges of steed you get 2 charges on it, and a lower cd.

Useful in BG pvp.