Class tree quite undesirable for DPS shamans

That’s you, literally saying that…

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Just because things are generally useful doesn’t mean it removes choice. Most of the tree is generally useful. As have all talents in other versions of the game over the years.

There’s still choice on what abilities to emphasize or things that alter play style.

That’s different than having abilities that just do absolutely nothing unless you encounter a poison effect or a fear effect.

Damage increases, healing increases, movement abilities, cc, damage reduction, all those sorts of things are generally useful.

Tremor/cleanse spirit/poison cleanse are in a different category that only does anything in a specific context.

I don’t think things that are meaningless outside of specific contexts should be in the tree. I think that just makes for unnecessary amounts of talent juggling.

It’s funny how much of this happens, followed very closely by “blizz never listens to us”…yea thank goodness for that


So, if they remove the ability and don’t give you access any longer, you won’t be here whining? Or you think the class that has some of if not the most utility should get even more utility as a base with even more in the tree?

I think tremor and cleanse spirit should be baseline. I think similar stuff in other class trees, like disease dispel or what not should also. I just think it’s going to make for excessive talent juggling otherwise.

As I said in another post, those nodes don’t have to be replaced with more utility. It could just be stat nodes, or even just less nodes in the tree.

Sure, in this specific scenario the poison cleansing totem would be needed. In every other situation, you have the freedom to choose based on what you need.

Speccing towards AG and Stoneskin if your group needs more healing/DR vs speccing towards gust of wind and call of the elements if you would prefer more mobility is a choice that is far better than icy veins telling you you have to spec into certain talents because they’re just a mathematically better choice.

Notice how improved lightning bolt will be an auto lock and is the most boring talent in the tree?

Certainly not. For DPS specs, it’s a helpful utility they might sometimes want to use to help their healer. For resto, it’s a massive throughput cooldown. It’s not optional for resto.

This is a good thing. Any throughput in the class tree is automatically a required pick if you want to do optimal DPS. Keeping DPS throughput out of the tree frees you up to make more interesting choices.

I missed this line earlier but way to show you play this game in a bubble with 0 understanding of other classes. The Paladin class tree is abhorrent; the design is awful and the Paladin community as a whole hates it. Literally the opposite of what anyone should want their tree to look like.

It’s a massive throughput cooldown for everyone. At least if you assume that DPS shamans are supposed to be bringing off-heal utility. I’m coming at it from a PvP perspective and just thinking that it’s a proportionally bigger addition to the healing kit of the DPS shamans than it is for the resto shaman.

But yea, it’s good for everyone of course and maybe everyone who cares enough about healing (whether DPS or healer) will take.

Gotcha. I’m thinking of it from a PvE perspective, where off-healing has a lot less value. The expectation in PvE is that healer(s) have got it covered, and there will almost never be a situation where a DPS shaman would ever choose AG over a DPS throughput option.

For a resto shaman, though, it’s another big throughput cooldown we can use to keep the DPS from feeling like they need to offheal in the first place.

As a resto Shaman, I’d like to see it nerfed for Resto only so it only applies to damage. That way it’s more of a situational damage cooldown for us (lets us spend our globals on damage instead of healing, even when healing is needed) while still being useful for DPS shamans.

This would make it almost useless for resto as 1. healer damage is low enough especially without vesper and deeptremor that the healing provided would be minuscule and 2. If enough damage is going out that you need a healing ability, you should be healing and not dpsing.

It is unfortunate that it’s going to be a mandatory pick for resto, but I can’t see a way to make it better other than sticking it right in the middle of the tree

There’s plenty of damage that goes out that just needs maintenance healing – eats up your globals because you need to keep everyone healthy, but it’s not any kind of emergency. A nerfed AG would be good in those situations. Especially useful in situations where you need burst damage.

You’re right about resto’s damage being too low for it to be useful. It would probably need a bigger multiplier for resto.

Mmm idk in most situations, if you’re safe it’s fine to leave the group at 70-80% hp and let passives bring them up. If it was healing on damage for resto I probably wouldn’t bother taking it

LOL @ “pure dps class”.

is warrior a “pure dps class”? NO.
but their class tree isn’t full of utility BS.
In fact, warrior class tree has Tormented Kings/Avtar/Spear of Bastion/Elysian might, which significantly improves their dps specs.

abilities like ascendance and primordial wave should be in the class tree.

even if we have to choose between the 2… that’s still way more satisfactory than having to cast “earth shield totem” every 30 sec as a dps.

If you think utility is “bs” then maybe Shaman isn’t for you.

What a great way to instantly lose awesome talents like Heat Wave and Further Beyond! Putting those two in the class tree would do literally nothing other than water down each spec.

It would also force you into picking those talents, and the tree would become incredibly static.

How many times are you going to say the exact same time when people repeatedly explain to you why it would be awful?


This argument is quite dull. The shaman class tree gives you everything you might need with quite a few leftover points for things you’d simply want. Arguing that we should lock what would ultimately be required throughput choices at the bottom of the class tree is just… odd.

Ele is pretty brilliant in Dragonflight for pvp. Ten times more interesting than current dre and pray build