Class tree being reworked

Does Consecration still heal allies in it after the rework? Cause it doesnt look like it. Which make it kinda useless for Holy to cast

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you never casted it anyway you used judgment to proc it and keep multiple up for melee.

Also need LOD/lightdawn buffed and Tyr LIKE COME ON BLIZZARD

Thats what I meant but still the talent made it a passive healing. Like now the talent worth nothing. And for Lightsmith you could buff your conse but sadly the talent wouldnt use these stack. If it was it would of been quite strong

I recounted, there is 5.

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Love both, want to hug a class developer for the first time in a long time.

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For pvp, without being able to see the future, based on these changes, Ret should heal for more, be more durable, and help teammates more efficiently, which can free up GCDs to do damage and lengthen our lifespan. Being alive easier and longer improves damage so I’d expect a damage done increase from the utility changes, and they buffed Judgment 10% so Ill happily take that too. To me it all looks like good news, but yeah tuning for the patch isnt final.

The justification for buffing Judgment by 10% is that they removed Justification from the class tree. xD


Good, less boring buff x by y amount talents the better, bring the damage up to target amounts naturally with our stats on gear and use talents to make abilities cool and desired to be pressed like FV hitting 3 more targets, love it, Sac clears and suppresses Diseases and Poisons, love it. Multiple benefits from one button make my knees weak, unless it takes 5 talent points like Steed.