Class tree being reworked

Look at the ret buff!


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Unbound Freedom + Blessed Calling = 45% speed increase stacked!

Its a talent that buffed word and sotr being removed and baked into the specs.

I know, but it’s pointless for ret because We don’t use sheilds

When ya know the labor could have been put elsewhere.

I think they just did an increase to the base, it might be shared % with Prot, since they had the same increase, so they only needed to do 1 modification, instead of multiple by having to split the origins in the code between Prot and Ret.

So it’s less work for them. :))


That talent is dead because you wont pass up sanc reckoning and spellwarding/lawbringer/seaeing glare

It also only works on divine protection and divine shield (lol?)

Unless you tell me I get to stand on a mage blizzard idk or ring for fire and just proc free dsmage on the mage during shield but still that sounds like a very weird mechanic

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Steed of Liberty sharing a node with Base Blessing of Freedom is questionable.
You sacrifice(lol) freedom(lol) of use for Freedom to use it how you see fit, for it to be baked in the horse…


Labor? They just baked in a word of glory buff for free which you used to need to put 2 points into for. (Not that you would). It also gave a sotr buff, it sounds silly but makes a lot of sense, it’s not for retri it is aimed and Prot and Holy, ret just gets the benefit of that change.

They shoulda just deleted dusk and dawn honestly.

I lile dawn, it helps you setup for pvp specially but no way should be that high 20% stacking up to two in pve sounds like a huge swing. I rexognize is just old seal of order baked in

They could have also baked some form of fading light into dusk. The seal of order cd reduction is gone too

I’m looking at the tree on wowhead now, it seems they also removed the cap talent making dusk and dawn reduce CD’s too.

Also steed is now has 4 talents effecting it. WHY!!!

I’d rather have had the 4% haste talent than the 4% crit one… haste modifies gameplay, crit doesn’t in general.

Where are you seeing that? I see the auto BoSac is lower, the one that reduces the CD of Sac by 1 min is choice node with Recompense.

nvm, it competes with CD reduction, miss read it.

The datamined changes show crusade removed and the patchnotes also mention sanctified wrath with benefits per spec. The spec tree hasnt recieved any change yet because if you into the ptr, and pick crusade it doesnt work. Only greys out the wings keybind. Also consecrated ground is still on the spec tree.

There is also a new talent that increases the durstion on3 wings talents (echo:crusade, sentinel (for prot) and avenging crusader (for holy)

So my guess is the spec tree is has not gotten sll the changes

So we have the following movement speed increases:

  • 2% speed from Obduracy
  • 3% speed from Lead the Charge
  • 5% Will of the Dawn when over 80% (if you pick this)
    so 10% base + enchants that are probably around 7-10% total, so 17-20% base move speed
    we also have:
  • Unbound Freedom 30% + Blessed Calling 15%, so 45% extra move speed for Freedom duration.
  • horsie…

I didn’t look in the datamined notes yet, but i didn’t see a mention of Crusade being removed in the patch notes.
Honestly if this makes base AW + Divine Wrath competitive against Radiant Glory, i’m here for it!

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I’m not sure I feel about seal of the crusader healing one random person such a name should be doing damage no?

Usually things like this doesn’t stack. But surprisngly it does this time. Doesn’t work with Divine Pony though, so Unbound Freedom is pretty much garbage if you are running Steed of Liberty.

The worst part is that the OG Seal of the Crusader did neither damage or healing. It increased your auto attack speed by 40%. We had Seal of Righteousness for damage and Seal of Light (later Insight) for healing.

Eye for an Eye also only does 17k damage with the pre-made character gear (ivl 571) on the PTR. So it’s going to do like… what? 20k in full epic pvp gear? Yeah that’s worth spending a PvP talent on. LOL

The quiestion I have with that is if freedom’s CD is used with unbound, if not, then it is a net gain.

Ah yes… the seal of casino :stuck_out_tongue:

Does it stack with pwny though?
If it does, we have:
Pwny 200% base + Crusader Auto 20% so 220% move speed.
Steed of Liberty + Unbound Freedom is +30% move speed, so 250% move speed for the first 3 seconds.
Unrelenting Charger +30% move speed in the first 3 seconds, so 280% move speed pwny for the first 3 seconds. :joy:
We have a charge guys!
With Divine Spurs it’s on a 36 second cooldown, duration would be… 6 seconds base + 2 from Unrelenting so 8 seconds minus 40% would be 4.8 seconds duration pwny.
So pwny lasts for 4.8 seconds, 3 of those are at 280% speed and the rest 1.8 at 220%.

Does it not bother anyone that we are getting a class tree revamp and still putting a large amount of talent points in steed? Anyone?
