Class #s over 2200 in 3v3 (Healer, Caster, DPS) US

Source: Check PVP as of 14 JAN 2024

Unh DK: 100
Arms: 87
DH: 84

Destro: 80
Demo: 72
Boomkin: 72

Rdruid: 174
Hpal: 89
Disc: 88

I posted these to a friend but feels relevant: This is cut pasted from our chat, I may have missed one.

14 outlaw
174 Rdruid
38 Pres evoker
36 MW
61 Rsham
89 Hpal
87 arms
62 BM
10 Surv
15 MM
47 SPriest
8 Fury
67 WW
37 Devestation Evoker
3 augmentation
39 Ele
18 Enh
36 Feral
72 Boomie
18 FDK
100 UNH DK
72 demo
84 havoc
40 arcane
9 fire
16 frost
60 Sub Rogue
18 Assas. Rogue
54 Ret Pal.


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Where is sub rogue? Especially since everyone keeps talking about the class.

I’ll add, ty. I missed it.

best spec in the entire game not even being in the top 10 goes to show u that popularity often never shows how good a spec is.


Wow, those are some seriously abysmal levels of participation. Blizz fumbled PvP so hard


Where are ret pally?

I’ll add. Thank you. I was cutting and pasting from a conversation with my friend. So I missed some. Get that added now.

thought about pointing out how rep was a dog water metric right when the thread opened but there’s no hope for those who believe it means everything

Maybe not rep alone but when you pair that with w/l % DPS/ HPS and first kill potential it really shows a lot. I like how everyone in just community this goes off based on what they “feel” to be more of a based argument. That or how well one guy does over a whole community with the spec/class. That sounds like a fallacy if I ever heard one.

uhh dps/hps mean almost as little as rep so pairing them together is kinda silly

is this your way of trying to argue that sub is fine despite pikaboo stomps 1800 players in 2s

because idk if anyone trying to argue sub’s strength in good faith has used pikaboo viewer games to do it

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Love the discussion.

It’s data, that’s all it is. People use it or manipulate how they choose. To fit their narrative or to make decisions.

I personally like to look at this data to decide what alts I plan on pushing over 2200, which is why I pull this data for myself. I thought it would be interesting to share.

Why I look at it. Typically, when there is a lot of representation over xx rating, it is because there might be more comps available for that class, it could be ease of class, people like play style and have mastered it over time? They might be strong against other classes that are meta, which is why they’re high. There are many factors, and most cherry-pick, what they want from it.

Look at what people said about DH…OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG, LOOOK, there’s Five baziilion DHs over 2000 rating, NERF NERF NERF. See, that fits their narrative. But if DH was low, they could say, oh boy, numbers don’t matter, they counter my class, so they must be OP.

Again, it is just data to use as you wish. Good luck in your arena adventures! I wish you all success !!

ALL players over 2000 rated are CHEATING and partaking in a dark web boosting company that GATEKEEPS the average player with botting and scripting to make Q times take forever and then THEY TROLL your game so you can NEVER win. Shame on all of them


They could buff dev evoker damage again to the point of toxicity and it would still be one of the least represented specs.

Stop defending sub, it has a few broken things they need fixed or removed.

Because I typically play melee, I think mages are incredibly OP, i.e. chasing an arcane around, does that make it true?

This sounds legit.

So if you play the class perfectly you should get rewarded?
Literally at lower ratings, rogues w/L is below average at 47% but 2200+ it 51.5% …so what does that tell you? Rogues have a high skill ceiling and skill floor and I’ve watched these videos and you don’t know if he is just posting his highlights, better games.
At least when I make an argument I go off data and not “oh this class makes me mad so it must be broken”.

It’s more than legit my contact has been talking to this companies and it’s CRAZY thousands of boosters on payroll multiple MILLION of dollars and guess what? Blizzard is helping them with long Q times and macros

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Mages are literally in the same category as sub rogues. You really need to check yourself.

You both need a nerf reality check back to 1200

Arcane 100% should have its mobility nerfed, yes. Also doesn’t change the fact that sub is also broke.