Class rankings in pvp right now

ya a good part of it is w key towards the target.

but they are good at getting on the target.

and without a class that can purge their buffs , pallies are 2 globaling people on the regular.

i diddnt mean to downplay wolves as they are strong as heck.

#2 Boomy druid**

id place feral btwn priest and warrior

With enough gear, Paladin beats Shaman. Other than that, pretty solid rankings. Boomies and Hunters are super oppressive with their ranged toolkits.

Yep once we’ve got enough BWL gear, we wreck in PvP.

1: Boomie - Not even close to anyone else
2: Hunter (ranged)
3: Paladin = Melee hunter
4: Ele Sham
5: Warrior
6: Rogue
7: Feral druid
8: Shadow priest
9: Warlock (Felguard)
10: Enhance shaman
11: Mage any spec

I didnt list any healers because lets be honest all are not great with the amount of damage thats going through right now.


put druid over hunter then i agree

S Tier: Boomkins, Hunters, Rogue, Shaman

Good: Paladin, Shadow Priest

Mid: Warrior, Warlock

Meme: Mage

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imagine being a sweaty undead mage pvper from normal classic vanilla going into SoD realising ur class sucks now lmao

This soo much.

Boomies doing 2.2k non crit starfalls lmao in a BG and being able to change form and keep 5 people occupied for 20 seconds trying to kill them when they pop barkskin and frenzied regen lmao!

Same hunter with their shots from orbit that hit like a brick and cc that they can chain and remains despite them dying lol.

Or meta warlocks with hp bars that dont budge and lifedrain u cant interrupt

Or paladins with their bubbles that seem to always be up who stun you from a mile away walk up and 2 shot you or bubble up and slap with no reprecussions at all cause theyre immune to everything. No skill at all

Games a joke honestly, if devs dont see w problem with how pvp is then they should get their heads checked

Back again to remind everyone:



There ya go :smiley:

This is probably my list too

Boomkin is s++ tier it absolutely shts on a hunter and hunters are also really strong.

I think we can all agree , boomies are bar none, the absolute worst.

I can’t wait till aggrends goes back to playing ret.

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Nobody else worries about mana either. They get all that back free from the spirit healer ever minute or less. :slight_smile:

feral 7 is wild, feral is in the worst place in pvp they have ever been in any version of wow

Coming from a bis pvp ret pally, my list would be in hardest to kill in 1v1s. These are fights ive noticed when someone has some decent lvl of skill combined with gear.
7. Hunters

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Death Knights are #1. All around.

Hunters are way too high, do you even PVP?

lol pets. :rofl: