9 Mage
8 Warrior
7 Priest
6 Warlock
5 Rogue
4 Paladin
3 Shaman
2 Druid
1 Hunter
Change my mind.
9 Mage
8 Warrior
7 Priest
6 Warlock
5 Rogue
4 Paladin
3 Shaman
2 Druid
1 Hunter
Change my mind.
Warrior isn’t so bad anymore. I often see them top kill in my BG.
They prob need a pocket healer but with 2 charges, a hook and the damage they can ditch they don’t feel so bad anymore.
Otherwise I agree with the list, although gear is a factor that can move some classes up in the ladder.
No thanks.
rogue is #1. bad list.
my list is better:
9 mage 8 warlock 7 warrior 6 priest 5 paladin 4 rogue 3 druid 2 shaman 1 hunter
the top 5 need to be nerfed, lock warrior and priest are in a good spot, mage needs to be buffed
Yeah but wouldn’t that be the case with any class with support ? doesn’t take much to excute someone with low hp in a group setting to get the killing blow imo.
Don’t get me wrong, there is some decent warriors out there, even though they aren’t in the best place.
But we all think our own class could use improvements right xD
No, many classes are too squishy to survive even with a healer. Mage, rogue, priest and hunters for exemple. Shaman, warrior and paladin benefit the most from a support but warrior doubly so since he has infinite ressource (no mana) and generates more rage as he gets hit.
The main disparity comes from gear and then skill. If you start tagging BG with a freshly ding warrior you’re just gonna cry. But once you get end-game gear, everyone else is gonna cry.
the only class that has infinite resource is called a SHAMAN
all the shammie alts saying shammie is rank 2 or 3 lol Shaman, is in its own tier above all.
Boomkin is 1. How can you put boomkin below hunter when they carry the same damage but have several op defensives and healing.
now do spec
Actually 100% correct tier list
1 shaman
2 druid
3 hunter/rogue
4 warrior
5 priest
6 paladin
7 warlock
8 hunters pet
9 warlocks pet
10 mage
I laughed.
heh im guessing you play alliance is the reason pallies are so low lol.
1 moonkin
2 hunter= paladin
3 ele somewhat = rogue though ele wins this with cooldowns up.
4 the rest. probably like warlock /priest/warrior/ect.
Paladin and Druid #1, if they bubble on you, take that as a compliment that they knew they were going to die and lose, and had to use their cop out class mechanic to win. A druid can just pop a FAP and kill you in 3 seconds.
Hybrid specs should be listed by spec. /thread
I’m not out here worried for my life on ferals but I am for balance Druids
No, i play both factions and paladins are mid in battlegrounds. Maybe in WPvP they are effective, but thats irrelevant. WPvP is a clown fiesta dumpster fire.
They can burst hard, but theyre one dimensional. They press w and press all theyre buttons when they reach target. This gameplay is just not effective in BGs. Their heals are pathetic, they get kited, get purged. Theyre just not all that in BGs, man. Let me reiterate that i have a mage on both factions, a resto shaman, horde resto druid. Pallies are a joke compared to shaman
What makes shaman so egregiously OP is their sustain and infinite mana pool. It is just not OK that a class can fully refill its mana bar once a minute and never ever ever ever need to wprry about carryinf water around to drink. Its a horrendiously designed skill and the fact that it also reduces damage taken is extra facepalm. Spirit wolves are beyond ridiculous aswell.
this is not true.
they have horse and freedom and numerous other things going for them along with bubble to close gaps and spin flags along with quite a few other things to them.
they are more than just a beatstick.
quite honestly the sustain of ele is an on or off switch either they have sustain and are able to function or they dont and they become an absolute free kill.
there is no middle ground with it.
spirit wolves i will give you are very very strong and annoying to go agaisnt.
but ill give you the but its a 3 min cooldown and all that.
All that stuff you listed is literally revolves around a paladin w keying towards their target. Freedom to w key, 2 second mount to w key at their target, bubble to facilitate w key to their target. Ret paladin is the de facto braindead spec on wow. This is the reason. They have no gameplan other than hurr durr i run at you and press buttons.
Also your highlights are a joke. Freedom?? Shaman has better freedom that pally. It absorbes a hit like grounding totem, and its NOT DISPELLABLE. if youre going to bring up a reason why paladins are OP but shamans arent, maybe you should just like leave out freedom when shamans have the same thing but better.
Spirit wolves isnt a “yea maybe id agree is good” kind of rune. Its quite literally cracked rune. Superspeed, stun(which isnt dispellable unlike pallys stun. Yes pally stun is DISPELLABLE), damage, spell pushback super fast pets. Its giga overloaded in function. Its honestly better than bubble with you consider it both IS A SHORTER CD AND it doesnt give you a debuff after its over. Cant paladins like not freedom themselves after they use bubble? Lol. Im not saying bubble is bad, obviously its strong 0 counterplay mechanic, but assuming your class has anything in the way of mobilty, you literally just run away while its active
Shaman can quite literally face tank pally dmg with earthshield and riptide while purging all of pallys seals unbetween riptide CDs. Paladin literally is stonewallwd by shaman. They cant do jack VS horde hero class. If you play shaman but complain about pally, you have zug for brains.
I keep seeing palas at top of kill board with least amount of deaths by far in every bg. then hunters druids warriors and shamans sometimes. Shamans seem weaker then alot make them out to be, old ideas about them i think. Rogue is god in alot of 1v1 or 1v2 but in group battles they just ok it seems like. Locks are a give and take some are worthless some fell broken mabye a spec or skill thing.