Class-Race Combo Megathread

[Work in Progress]


Personally I’d like to see Night Elf Paladins and Nightborne Druids.

The latter because of Elune’s Light, and the former because they discover Nature’s power through the Arcandor. So these would be an Arcane Druid race. Also imagine Nightbornes’ Druid forms :heart_eyes:


Also Draenei warlocks, Tauren mages, Kul’Tiran and Pandaren warlocks too.

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Only one that I agree with is Kul Tiran Warlock, the rest don’t work.

Demon Hunter

  • Zandalari Troll
  • Void elf
  • Orc
  • Draenei

Void Elves yes, the rest are a no. Only a void elf could viably have the training via being a blood elf demon hunter going through the void elf ritual, and it’s unlikely that new ones could be trained without direct help from illidan.

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Paladin Vulperas.

Draenei druids.

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They could literally be from the second generation of “void elves” studying under Umbric, so they’d already be a demon hunter.

Sargeras feared the void.
Why not study the thing your enemy feared most?


Zandalari Troll Warlock

Definitely needs to happen. They already made this happen in Hearthstone and the flavor vids so well. There’s definitely trolls doing demon magics.

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Zandalari Troll demoniacs already exist in WoW, but they consume the souls of demons, and have metamorphosis, so they are much closer to demon hunters than to warlocks.

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yes yes and more YES!!! Please blizzard I want this soooo much :pleading_face: :pleading_face: :pleading_face: :pleading_face: :pleading_face: :pleading_face: :pleading_face: :pleading_face:

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Gnome Druid because it would be the cutest thing ever!

What would their Druid forms be, though?

A bunny? :laughing:

Mechagnome Druids should be a thing, though, something like transformers. <3

Not a fan of that. Draenei literally fleed from their planet precisely to avoid dabbling with these dark magics and the Burning Legion. I’d rather see Man’ari Eredar as an AR with the Warlock class available to them.

On one hand, playable Tauren are supposed to be from Thunder Bluff, and iirc they literally think magic stinks and is disgusting, so I don’t see them being mages. However, considernig that as of SL playable races don’t need to represent the faction they’re supposed to be representing (in other words, we have Wildhammer options for Dwarves, so these aren’t exclusively Bronzebeard anymore, they can be Wildhammer Dwarves, or Void Elves can be traditional High Elves, etc.), we could argue Tauren Mages are those from the Grimtoten tribe. So there’s that.

Kul’Tiran warlocks, yes, Pandaren warlocks… ? I want to say no, but I don’t see any lore reason to deny it either, so… sure? Not my cup of tea, but if people want that, go ahead.

I don’t recall there being Grimtotem mages, the NPCs I saw seemed to only use Druid and Shaman abilities.

There are a few Grimtotem Geomancer NPCs with Mage abilities (including Slow, for instance), but perhaps you’re right and they were intended as another flavor of Shamans instead.

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Them using Mage abilities was a pre-Cata thing, it has since been changed to Shaman.

Ah! Wasn’t aware of that change. Thanks for the heads up :wink:

The answer is grizzly bear cub, ragdoll kitten, spruce sapling, eostrix owl, american fuzzy lop bunny (good suggestion), and columbidae.

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What I would like to see one day:

Highmountain Priest and Paladin
Goblin Monk
Orc Priest
Troll Paladin
Tauren Rogue and Mage

Kul Tiran Paladin
Gnome Shaman and Paladin
Worgen Monk
Dwarf Druid
Nelf Paladin
Draenei Rogue

Panda Druid

No new classes for skinny elves or humans. They’re fine.

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