Class-Race Combo Megathread

good list, needs orc and draenei dh, with fel-orc and man’ari eredar skins.

…and if you wanna get crazy, goblin pallies, and pandaren dh… cause goblin pallies would be fun, and pandaren dh… vengence would fit’em perfectly, with all the hoppin around.

I will literally never be on board with this.

On the other hand, I absolutely love the idea of mag’har orcs utilizing the Light to fight their enemies and being looked down on and mistrusted by their fellows, and filling a similar role to warlocks in mainline orcish society.

I would throw a curve ball and say Highmountain Tauren, with the Feltotem reintegrating into Highmountain society.

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Human Shamans.
Night Elf Paladins.
Light Forged Draenei Monks.
Worgen Monks.
Draenei Rogues.
Light Forged Draenei Shamans.


No one wants Nightborne druids? Really? :cry:

Common, their forms would be the coolest of all druids!!

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I’ve long been one of the strongest advocates for opening up demon hunters to more races. Whats the logic in releasing a hero class to only two races? We don’t get new classes often. This limits the class potential so much.

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I would rather they fix the nightborne models. BUT, if I could turn into a bear or a cat, I wouldn’t have to look at them anymore right? Huh.


I do!

I’ve long pined for Blood Elf Druids, but they’ve got so much more than Nightborne, so I’d rather have the Nightborne get it if they both couldn’t have it. The Nightborne have much fewer class options and could definitely use the addition.

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