Class PvP Tuning – August 1

Bro you’re a hunter, just kite

We do no healing without hitting you


Would like some more Arms warrior buffs. Our damage feels very weak compared to other melee specs right now.


hecka edgy

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Enhance 1 shot nerfs, Disc buffs, and a little more rating inflation, and the game is playable.

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Fire mage still not nerfed in M+?

Welp, guess it’s at least 7 more days of fire mage dominance.

None that matters, no.

Kinda like how PvE works.

Unholy gets punished just for being a fun spec.


WE DONT need a nerf clearly you don’t know how squishy we are without it.

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If this is the goal, then the change should have been to cap the stacks (maybe 10 instead of 20). That way it is 50% effective at max stacks. As opposed to the current change, which nerfs Festermight effectiveness at low stacks.


Seems delusional to think fury warriors need a damage buff…when i see them which i will agree isnt often, they are pumping 70ks dps. Rampage did not need a buff.

Another Tuning patch that proves blizzard doesnt actually have anyone who balances the game or makes suggestions that play above 1800. The spec may need something but its not damage.

I just want to be able to summon a horde of undead and send them into a crowd and devastate them without having to do much. No skill, just tears, and of course a big smile on my face!

Please help Frost be able to stay in the fight. Reduce burst, buff sustain all you like, but if frost stays this squishy, it won’t matter.

Bring back the hard hitting bruiser from Legion. Frost DKs should not feel like a rogue or WW.


My concern is mostly for the blood DKs that take 10+ people to kill. I’m not trying to ruin anyone’s fun. :slight_smile:

There’s been an insane amount of blood DKs trying to solo bosses in Ashran lately and they’re a pain in the butt.

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Would be nice if Disc got buffed by 5-15% across the board as they are struggling, and if Hpal’s mana regen got buffed back to the 20%, but healing reduced.

Disc healing feels so bad because it feels like your abilities don’t move health bars, and Hpal feels bad because it feels like mana is so tightly tuned that you can no longer play offensive, which just isn’t fun.

Healers want to be offensive and impactful in games so they feel like they have more say in the out come.


Paladins dont exist, especially ret.

Yes, you speak to the point. Death knight sustain damage relies on low stack wounds. The 50% festering might nerf would not only gut dk’s burst(since dark trans is already nerfed 50%, and number of ghouls from apocolyse and Army is halfed from previous tunning), the sustain damaged will be significantly reduced while dk still has one of the weakest survibility. In order to do sustain damage you need to stay alive first, unfortunately dk struglges against most melee and even lots of good caster class now(since ams sbsoption is nerfed which is unnecessary in this fast pace expansion due to the removal of spell warden already). They should’ve just put a cap for wounds stack (< 10 stacks in pvp) like you said, inseatd of some lazy tuning like blindly nerf the festering might by 50% regardless of the mechanism of this talent.


Can you please stop buffing warriors?


They are actually hilarious. All the jokes about what classes devs play must be true at this point.

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Blizz, just delete DKs from the game already.
Literally nobody in your team plays it or, if they do, idk they’re completely braindead or something.


Ye cause you can kill a GDruid, right? :joy:

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